As the real world like a missionary, proselytizing via blogs also need some signs, so the bloggers can really stay on track with initial commitments in the sermon. This is important because cyberspace is a vast territory that a lot of temptation or the possibility of interference that could have made us less reward. Here are eight things that we all nan-blogger preaches healthy - is expected to run it:
1. Ikhlas and Straighten Intention
While at the computer alone, no one was looking, but writing out there we could see hundreds, thousands of people every day. This was followed by a variety of comments ranging from praise and criticism. Too proud of the compliment, and furious when criticized, could be confounding our sincerity. Remember, propaganda via blogs still have to go ahead despite much praise and criticism. Do not expect fame, because it can trap us in the future. Rasulullah SAW said: "indeed every charity depends on the (quality) of his intention" (HR Bukhari Muslim)
2. Trying Istiqomah
In the real world must istiqomah mission. The study was made routinely even glow. There pekanan, bi-weekly to monthly. Even halaqoh pekanan course also be made routinely. This is all for 'function' mission to be optimal. Similarly, in our post, let's try to istiqomah in posts. If you need any targets and timetables posts on certain days. Encourage each other when there is a 'preacher bloggers "who suddenly futur rather than for reasons of understandable syar'i. Insha Allah istiqomah fruit will taste when served.
3. Not Hurrying
Although it must istiqomah, does not mean we should rush in the post. Being a blogger deadliner very unpleasant. Because it means it will reduce the quality of our posts. If it is necessary to look for references, analyze, then just do it. It's not a shame thing also if we ask for is edited by a friend / someone else before posting our article. Prophet has warned that: it is the rush of syaithon (Bayhaqi)
4. Define Goals
While at the computer alone, no one was looking, but writing out there we could see hundreds, thousands of people every day. This was followed by a variety of comments ranging from praise and criticism. Too proud of the compliment, and furious when criticized, could be confounding our sincerity. Remember, propaganda via blogs still have to go ahead despite much praise and criticism. Do not expect fame, because it can trap us in the future. Rasulullah SAW said: "indeed every charity depends on the (quality) of his intention" (HR Bukhari Muslim)
2. Trying Istiqomah
In the real world must istiqomah mission. The study was made routinely even glow. There pekanan, bi-weekly to monthly. Even halaqoh pekanan course also be made routinely. This is all for 'function' mission to be optimal. Similarly, in our post, let's try to istiqomah in posts. If you need any targets and timetables posts on certain days. Encourage each other when there is a 'preacher bloggers "who suddenly futur rather than for reasons of understandable syar'i. Insha Allah istiqomah fruit will taste when served.
3. Not Hurrying
Although it must istiqomah, does not mean we should rush in the post. Being a blogger deadliner very unpleasant. Because it means it will reduce the quality of our posts. If it is necessary to look for references, analyze, then just do it. It's not a shame thing also if we ask for is edited by a friend / someone else before posting our article. Prophet has warned that: it is the rush of syaithon (Bayhaqi)
4. Define Goals
Region cyberspace is boundless. Readers of our blog as well we barely know who he is and what is behind it later. Dai started elementary school children to professors and even presidential ones. Hence we can do is two things: write propaganda in general, or write a special discussion by telling us who the goal posts. Do not let our writing misunderstood, because of the limitations of those who read it. Imam Ali ibn Abi Tholib ra said: "talk to people what they know, or do you want Allah and His Messenger didustakan?"
5. Unite rather than sever
Write something that could unite Muslims, not even adding the problem is not endless divisions. Wah we bring together many things that are usually seen as divisive. Do not post khilafiyah problems with the stamp 'is the most correct'. Many things are agreed upon Muslims deserve to be a discussion. This does not mean tolerating things that are deviant. We have to assess whether a difference of opinion including those that can be tolerated or not.
6. Zoom Network
Getting friends and relatives via our blog so much fun. Let us keep ukhuwah that comes with sudden, such as by continuing to greet each guest book via the shoutbox, and so forth. More ahsan again if we though it could be a wider network of propaganda anymore. Do not forget to encourage each other to be involved in contributing in a real world mission. Just to remind all, not to existing ukhuwah become damaged due to intentions of other intentions, such as virus-pink, love, popularity, and so forth.
7. Professional Equipment
Islam clearly suggests that we apply our professional in every activity. Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily, Allah likes if one of you do a job, professionals in the job" (Bayhaqi in Sya'bul Faith). Hence the true da'wah bloggers also must be willing to become learners in this blogger world. How he could keep the 'pulpit preaching' to keep a good look at, comfortable and at home was visited, as well as for the object of his message traffic can increase the message from day to day. Therefore, every preacher bloggers also have to keep learning tutorial blogs and the like.
8. Do not neglect
5. Unite rather than sever
Write something that could unite Muslims, not even adding the problem is not endless divisions. Wah we bring together many things that are usually seen as divisive. Do not post khilafiyah problems with the stamp 'is the most correct'. Many things are agreed upon Muslims deserve to be a discussion. This does not mean tolerating things that are deviant. We have to assess whether a difference of opinion including those that can be tolerated or not.
6. Zoom Network
Getting friends and relatives via our blog so much fun. Let us keep ukhuwah that comes with sudden, such as by continuing to greet each guest book via the shoutbox, and so forth. More ahsan again if we though it could be a wider network of propaganda anymore. Do not forget to encourage each other to be involved in contributing in a real world mission. Just to remind all, not to existing ukhuwah become damaged due to intentions of other intentions, such as virus-pink, love, popularity, and so forth.
7. Professional Equipment
Islam clearly suggests that we apply our professional in every activity. Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily, Allah likes if one of you do a job, professionals in the job" (Bayhaqi in Sya'bul Faith). Hence the true da'wah bloggers also must be willing to become learners in this blogger world. How he could keep the 'pulpit preaching' to keep a good look at, comfortable and at home was visited, as well as for the object of his message traffic can increase the message from day to day. Therefore, every preacher bloggers also have to keep learning tutorial blogs and the like.
8. Do not neglect
Although we are required to try to keep posting, and professional in managing the blog, but still it should not make us a reason to reduce our contribution in the mission in the real world, especially if all of that to interfere with our interactions to God through our daily worship. Allah SWT said: "No treasure-your treasure and your children melalaikanmu from the remembrance of Allah" (Surah Munafiqun 9)
Thus, this post is more of an effort to motivate us to equally able to enhance the quality and quantity of our contribution to the mission via this blog in cyberspace. So the article above also applies in particular true for me as the author. Lastly, I want to say: "berkaryalah, because that's one proof that we ever existed in this world!". Greetings optimistic.
Thus, this post is more of an effort to motivate us to equally able to enhance the quality and quantity of our contribution to the mission via this blog in cyberspace. So the article above also applies in particular true for me as the author. Lastly, I want to say: "berkaryalah, because that's one proof that we ever existed in this world!". Greetings optimistic.