Ophiuchus horoscopes - Zodiac The 13 - Prediction Zodiac Ophiuchus now adds deratan existing horoscopes, Constellation to 13 is the latest star in the constellation of the Zodiac Divination. Ophiuchus star is also eventually going to color the stock horoscopes Newest who had only completed 12 constellations. The 13 Zodiac Ophiuchus is tangible man carrying a large snake, Ophiuchus actually been there a long time, but now reappears in the zodiac because astronomers from Minneapolis, prof. Parke Kunkle, believes the position of the earth's axis has shifted. This shift causes the zodiac which was originally 12 stars to 13 stars. This also resulted in a shift in the date because of the Zodiac Ophiuchus this, consider the following shift:
* Capricorn January 21 to February 16 (26 days)
* Aquarius February 16 to March 11 (24 days)
* Pisces March 11-April 18 (38 days)
* Aries April 18 to May 13 (25 days)
* Taurus May 13 to June 22 (40 days)
* Gemini June 22-July 21 (29 days)
* Cancer July 21 - 10 Aug (20 days)
* Leo 10 Aug - September 16 (37 days)
* Virgo September 16 to October 31 (45 days)
* Libra October 31 to November 23 (23 days)
* Scorpius November 23 to November 29 (6 days)
* Ophiuchus November 29 to December 18 (19 days)
* Sagittarius December 18 to January 21 (34 days)
Automatic for those of you who were born in the span of 29 nov-18 des so now would zodiac Ophiuchus, follows the outline of those with this horoscope include someone who will have a long life, creative, and have a vision. you certainly do not want to miss seeing Divination Zodiac Ophiuchus which filled one list Forecast Year 2011. Consider the Ophiuchus Star Forecast follows:
finance: Spending a little swollen, avoid debt and continue to seek productive and efficient.
Asmara: Make time for your partner more, and make little surprises on the him.
Health: Stamina a little drop, multiply the rest and do not be too diforsir to work. Flu akn often attack you.
I hope the related information horoscopes Zodiac Ophiuchus The 13-this could help you.
* Capricorn January 21 to February 16 (26 days)
* Aquarius February 16 to March 11 (24 days)
* Pisces March 11-April 18 (38 days)
* Aries April 18 to May 13 (25 days)
* Taurus May 13 to June 22 (40 days)
* Gemini June 22-July 21 (29 days)
* Cancer July 21 - 10 Aug (20 days)
* Leo 10 Aug - September 16 (37 days)
* Virgo September 16 to October 31 (45 days)
* Libra October 31 to November 23 (23 days)
* Scorpius November 23 to November 29 (6 days)
* Ophiuchus November 29 to December 18 (19 days)
* Sagittarius December 18 to January 21 (34 days)
Automatic for those of you who were born in the span of 29 nov-18 des so now would zodiac Ophiuchus, follows the outline of those with this horoscope include someone who will have a long life, creative, and have a vision. you certainly do not want to miss seeing Divination Zodiac Ophiuchus which filled one list Forecast Year 2011. Consider the Ophiuchus Star Forecast follows:
finance: Spending a little swollen, avoid debt and continue to seek productive and efficient.
Asmara: Make time for your partner more, and make little surprises on the him.
Health: Stamina a little drop, multiply the rest and do not be too diforsir to work. Flu akn often attack you.
I hope the related information horoscopes Zodiac Ophiuchus The 13-this could help you.