November 5, 2010

2 Characteristics of Healthy Environment and Healthy Environment not

Humans and other living things need air to breathe. Inhaled air containing oxygen. The air we breathe is a need for clean air. Clean air contains oxygen. In addition to air, humans need water for bathing, drinking and cooking. You are acquiring air and water from the environment around you. Therefore, you should always keep the environment around you so that you get water and air clean and fresh.

1. Healthy EnvironmentHave you ever walk with your father and mother out of town far from the crowds? You will feel the air around the place was very fresh and clean. Clean air that contains oxygen is good for our bodies. The air is clean can you get at home. When got up early, breathe the air in your home page, and then feel the air that goes into your lungs. Feel comfortable and fresh, right?

Perhaps, on your home page a lot of plants. The oxygen produced by these plants will be a lot. The air around it will feel comfortable and fresh. Is there a river or a moat around your house? Are rivers and ditches are full of garbage? A healthy river is the river water is clean and clear. There is no garbage strewn. Usually, there are fish that live in the stream. Trenches in your house should always be cleaned. Do not have garbage that clog the water flow. Trench must be clear and clean sound.

2. Unhealthy environmentNow many unhealthy environment around us. What causes it? Unhealthy environment is a dirty environment. Dirty environment means the environment is already polluted. Environmental pollution consisting of water pollution, air and soil.

a. Water Pollution

 Come on, look at the existing ditches and streams around your house, how it is? What is clean? Indiscriminate waste disposal create trenches, rivers, and polluted sea. The fish are dying and many communities around too suffer the consequences. Water pollution can cause obstructed water flow. If the rain comes, will cause flooding. Fish and other animals in the sea will die. Communities difficult to get clean water, as a result of disease attacked the people. Unhealthy environment marked dirty water. Dirty river water is very dangerous if used for bathing, drinking washing clothes, cooking and washing equipment. Dirty water, if taken, can cause diseases such as diarrhea and vomiting. If dirty water used for bathing, will cause skin diseases such as scabies and itching. If the water in your home environment is no longer clear, it is necessary filtration or purification.

b. Air Pollution
Have you ever noticed motor vehicles that emit exhaust fumes? Smoke it, if you breathe, will feel oppressive. The air you breathe is very dangerous for your body. Dangerous fumes, such as motor vehicle fumes, smoke, burning garbage, and factory smoke, can harm health. Any unpleasant smell, like garbage, filthy trenches, can cause air pollution. Motor vehicle fumes, factory smoke, and smoke burning trash is the element of air pollutants. Air pollution making our breathing becomes congested and the lungs were filled with chemicals that damage the respiratory tract.

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2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this, but for a college student like me, this really isnt helpful

Anonymous said...


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