December 30, 2010

0 Eliminate Acne

Eliminate acne is most cases successful. Sometimes the acne came and then disappeared by itself without treatment even if (acne that is said because a lot of thought), but there are also acne ngebandel been fixed though in different ways then the membanyak, rampant and undermine our facial skin. Well if you are like that there is less and less confident when people see you let alone met a beautiful girl (if that reading is a guy).

Here are simple tips on how or eliminate acne. I do not guarantee a hundred percent gone, but it never hurts to apply the following tips, hopefully acne problems can be resolved.

1. Wash your face at least 2 times a day.

Washing your face can help clean the face of oil, if we are rarely cleaned, the bacteria that cause acne will live abundantly in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face scrub face excessive especially since oil production will actually increase sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day using a gentle soap.

3. best to avoid oily cosmetics.

naturally we will face menmproduksi oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible to avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be a media problem-causing bacteria to settle on our faces.

4. Eat Vegetables and Fruits

Conscious or not diet is very influential on the appearance of acne therefore preferred diet for teenagers who have high fiber content. In addition, it is necessary also to add fruits that contain antioxidants such as apples, carrots, and tomatoes.

5. Inadequate Levels of Protein You

Teenagers also need adequate protein levels and I suggest to choose tempeh and tofu. Why tempeh and tofu, tempeh and tofu because it allegedly contains estrogen, a hormone that serves to smooth the skin, eliminate acne and prevent prostate cancer. Avoid oily food and saturated fat (oil that has been used many times).

6. Drink 2 liters of water a day

Almost 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.

7. Enough sleep and regular

The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to a sufficient and regular sleep. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove the dangerous racun2 so that when we wake up the next day we will kebali fresh skin.

December 29, 2010

0 Eye Health

Eyes is one very important sense for humans and most valuable. But the demands of work activities and sometimes without us knowing it excessive force working eye.

Here are some useful tips to maintain healthy eyes, namely:

1. Nutrition for the eyes - foods that contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants are very good for eye health and slow the growth of macular degeneration and cataracts.

2. Rest your eyes - after many hours in front of the computer's eyes will feel tired and uncomfortable. like other human body, the eyes also need a break. close your eyes and do not open before the count to five or divert your views to the distant object is the way to rest the eyes after long time working.

3. Use just enough light - Working with low light can cause eyestrain, but light is too bright nor good. Reduce levels of light (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eye will be more comfortable.

4. Check your eyes every 12 months - vision problems that are not handled properly will grow more severe, you should avoid wearing contact lenses or glasses that are no longer suitable for you because it can cause vision problems and headaches.

5. Use the filter monitor - use a glass filter monitor to reduce eye glare and radiation emitted by the monitor.

December 28, 2010

0 Pineapple Fruit for Health

Pineapple fruit, who is not familiar with this one fruit, fresh fruit with long, sharp leaves turned out to have some benefits for our health.

Pineapple fruit can assist digestion of proteins and accelerate the healing process, is rich in bromelain enzyme that is useful to relieve the throat and helps digestion.

The enzyme bromelain digest protein in the food and prepare it to be easy to be absorbed by the body. In addition, the pineapple also contains citric and malic acid which gives a sense of sweet and sour on the fruit. These acids make the pineapple into a food that is widely used to make sweet and sour dishes.

Bromelain helps the process of wound healing and reduce swelling or inflammation in the body. Pineapple is a good option for patients before and after surgery.
Functioning as a cleaner - Pineapple also is clean. The enzyme bromelain helps cleanse the body and balance the acidity levels in the blood. Pineapple raise blood levels of alkaline and helps relieve edema disease by reducing the excess water in the body.

Fruit Pineapple is one of the few fruits that have a content of aspartic acid which is quite high. Aspartic acid serves as an amino acid in our body thus helping the body's metabolic processes. This acid also helps remove ammonia acid in the body. Ammonia is a toxin that is harmful to the central nervous system.

Besides pineapple also has benefits similar to bananas, pineapple fruit also contain fiber which is useful to assist the process of digestion, lowers cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Than 150 grams of pineapple fiber is equivalent to half of an orange. In addition, vitamin and mineral content of pineapple makes a good source of vitamin C and various other vitamins.

Chlorogen acid, which is an antioxidant that is widely available in fruits can also be found in the pineapple. These acids block the formation of nitrosamines, substances that can cause cancer. Nitrosamines are formed when fed processed meat preservative is heated at high temperatures.

The study mentions the pineapple has a non-essential amino acids and essential to help strengthen the body's immune system, overcome fatigue and increase stamina and energy. Valine and leucine substances contained in the pineapple is also needed by our body for growth and repair muscle tissue. This substance is also one of the essential substances needed to maintain our body's energy levels. Non-essential amino Substance, proline, it is important to maintain joint function and strengthen the tendons and heart muscle.

Pineapple also contains cystine which is useful for the formation of our skin and hair, skin formation and accelerate wound healing. Cystine also help slow the aging process.

But For some people, eating too much pineapple fruit can cause headaches. Pineapple fruit can cause allergic reactions in some people. Some people may experience allergic symptoms such as skin becomes red and itchy after eating pineapple. To avoid this, cut and dip the pineapple into the salt water before consumption.

In the case of a serious allergy, lips and mouth can become swollen after eating pineapple. Besides pineapple can also cause diarrhea or nausea in some people. This can happen if people who are allergic to pineapple pineapples consumed in large quantities.

0 7 Habits of everyday harmful to teeth

Oral health we are sometimes not so dipeduli by us can cause holes in our teeth and cause the bacteria that nest in our mouth so that it can interfere with oral health itself, even many habits that without us knowing it could affect our oral health .

Here are the 7 Habits of everyday that can be dangerous for our teeth, such as:

1. Meal-snack at Night  - At night, the mouth will memprosuksi saliva or saliva is less than during the day. While saliva is a 'weapon' that will help clean up the remnants of food on the teeth. Based on the study published in the journal Eating Behavior, ordinary people snacking in the evenings tend to experience dating tooth more than the people who do not have that habit. 
2. Drinking White Wine - Many people who avoid red wine for fear of teeth will be stained, but Irwin Smigel, president of the American Society of Dental Aesthetics states white wine is more dangerous and can cause permanent tooth problems. Because wine is often mixed in food is very high in acid and can damage the lining email from our teeth. "In the end the teeth become more susceptible to stains from food and beverages that we consume in color at the same time," adds Smigel.

3. Breathing from the Mouth - When our nose is blocked because of the flu or during exercise, sometimes we often make breathing through the mouth. And this habit will make our mouth saliva deficiency in charge of protecting the teeth from damage, clearly Lori Anna Dees, root canal specialist who dwelt in Mequite, Texas.

4. Consuming Excessive Gum - Chewing gum some fruit would not be harmful to our mouths. Moreover, the chewing gum with xylitol content that can actually prevent cavities. However, chewing gum too much can cause irritation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), said Leichtung. Problems with the jaw joints can trigger headaches, neck pain, pain in the ears and face.

5. Biting Nails - Not only damage the nail, nail biting is also dangerous for our teeth, Why? These bad habits will ruin the end of our teeth. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, nail biting people who like to have a high risk of suffering from bruxism, or teeth menggeretakan habit during sleep.

6. Drinking Straight from the Bottle, Glass or Cans - Sip juice or soft drinks and let it come into contact with teeth, in the long term can lead to cavities. Minimize direct contact of acid into your teeth by using a straw every time you want the acid drinks. Position the straw for fluids can directly go to the back of our mouths.

7. Brushing Teeth with Horizontal Movement - Avoid damaging tooth enamel with tooth brushing habit proper technique. Rather than horizontally, but get used to holding the red-and-white principle (of the gums to the teeth).

0 Keeping the Body Stay Healthy With Healthy Lifestyle

Health is very important for our body and soul because of one accord that grace the most beautiful and delicious. So that in everyday life, then we are obliged to prioritize our health.

There are a few tips meruapakan examples of activities that can we live in our daily lives. Activity or the activity into the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, among others:

1. Avoidance / Stop The Stupid Habits That's disgusting

Activities stupid for some people presumed / considered as activities that are cool, macho and slang is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / narcotics / other additive substances that cause addiction.

Just imagine if it has been subjected to any of the activities above, so stupid a person can spend lots of money to buy opium, for future medical expenses, wasted too much time to buy and consume these illicit goods.

Using the disgusting stuff, of course, add our sins doubled because of the impact / effect is not just us who feel, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriend, and so forth.

2. Do not Make Free Sex Outside Marriage

Sex is good for the used of people. But it would be honorable and terpujinya if sex is done with full responsibility and with the blessing of many people. Most sex is underrated for couples who are used to do it or for people who easily aroused without a strong faith.

The impact effect of free sex premarital sex is such as:
a. pregnant out of wedlock and the man ran away from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases like AIDS which has no cure.
c. big sin to God
d. excluded from social and community
e. raided by police / Satpol pp / hansip
f. own girlfriend murdered, raped, etc..
g. addicted to orgasms and grew into a dangerous phase.
h. beginning of foolish activity number 1 above.
i. hard to get a mate when would seriously marry.
j. lie to parents, families, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to the bad.

The purpose of sex to get the climax / orgasm much deified by many people who get lost and they will find another victim to be invited and was dragged into the black valley. If berhbungan with the opposite sex or same-sex without marriage should not see it if ngesex delicious side, but look at the negative side very much. You will be disgusted to do it.

3. Eat Healthy Food And Under Rule

Good food is not necessarily healthy. Many foods and drinks are dangerous and unhealthy if consumed. Examples such as the use of borax and formaldehyde as a preservative of food and drinks that should digonakan to preserve the corpse / corpse / carcass.

When snacks do not carelessly. Buy food and beverages in place to secure cleanliness / hygiene of food drink. Be careful and always alert terhada whatever will we put in our mouth because it could have a drink or food we buy and ready to eat has been mixed with hazardous toxic substances like arsenic, barbiturates, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and beverages, and so forth. See also the cleanliness of the place and the processing and selection of raw materials food / beverage.

Do not be easily tempted by ads on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the manufacturer also lied to get great benefits and work with individual governments to shut up.

Eat nutritious foods and beverages that are adjusted for body condition, activity as well as we age. Eat before the hungry and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget with four of five perfectly healthy that we often hear from old times. Eat a balanced nutritional intake because of what we eat will represent us in the future.

4. Keeping Yourself Hygiene And Environment Around Us

Cleanliness themselves need to be considered and maintained at all because it is associated / linked closely with how we look at the general public. tidiness and cleanliness of the body such as hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. to give effect to the overall body health. Avoid exchanging toiletries, primp, health, personal clothing with other people because it may be able to transmit dangerous diseases.

Just imagine if someone can cause acute dental pain he did not enter the office for days because the pain is unbearable. People who have a dirty appearance and style will be shunned from daily life and will be difficult to make friends, boyfriend, partner, employment, trust and others.

Keep the environment clean of waste and environmental disease because the environment can affect the health of our bodies. Garbage is piled and rotting able to remove the unpleasant smell / tasty, the view that slum / dirty, the sound of flies that were flying, the sound of the oath-curse people who are nearby, and so forth.

Garbage can also be a nest of rats spread diseases such as leptospirosis Disease spread through rat urine and tipes / typhoid. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds that can berkibat melaria plasmodium and dengue fever in man. flies that spread bacteria and viruses that cause gastrointestinal diseases such as beri-beri, dysentery, diarrhea, and so forth.

Pollution such as sewage and wc household garbage, industrial waste, noise pollution, and other pollutants need to be resolved with a swift and well coordinated among members of the community in an environment in order to produce results lingungan good clean and comfortable

5. Exercise And Health Into Your doctor checked Periodic

Exercise regularly to stimulate the heart, breathing and blood circulation becomes better. Get used to exercise every day with a light activity such as walking, gymnastics, fitness, jogging, biking, or doing a full sports like playing badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and so forth.

In addition there is another sport which is not less important to the sport of periodic health check regularly to the doctor. In order medical examinations are programmed for diseases or disorders that arise can be detected more quickly so that treatment would not eat a lot of cost, time and energy.

6. Avoid Stress: A Disgusting Way The Healthy And Halal

To avoid the stress required strategies for each individual. Find the best way to relieve stress with your own simple way, can be done everywhere, cheap, healthy, kosher, and delicious made. Examples of activities such as removal of stress is by listening to personal music pleasant and ngilangin load the mind that is, playing video games, music play music, sport, chat ama temen close friend, vent, play non-gambling card, healthy dating, eating, doing conjugal relationship / sex with a legitimate partner, hanging out in the lavatories, a trip to the mall, singing, playing small toys, gardening, fishing, cried in solitude, sleep / bobo, and so forth.

The point in your life is nyantai wrote with all the problems that exist. Why should hard (stress), it is hard to no avail. Your emotions do not become evil and self-control you, because emotions are not controlled and sometimes into revenge, hurt, and others that look foolish to others. There are issues / problems that can make you depressed indifferent aja lah, is not no job laen kayak course.

Enough sleep, hold ourselves to Almighty God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and to implement healthy lifestyle programs to prevent stress and depression when it could become severe and chronic mental disorders and mental illness that makes your taste depressed and ashamed of the crowd. Consult with a psychologist if you have mental problems or other people who you trust if you are embarrassed. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from others and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.

December 21, 2010

2 Offense

hurt, who's never felt the heartache. I'm sure every person on earth has ever felt the pain felt it.

The hurt can come anytime, anywhere, happen to every human being on this earth. The hurt can not be expressed with a word-word, the hurt can only be poured into something that can ease the burden when diangkap hurt.

By telling friends, family, maybe the pain will decrease and we will feel a little more calm. But what about those who do not want to tell / share all things with others? even with friends and even family. We not only can ease the burden of hearts with the story with others, but by writing a note, listening to music, hanging out with friends, and doing things that we like so I'm sure the pain will be reduced and even disappear by itself.

Back to indivudual each person, because every human being how to ease the burden of hearts definitely different way. However, by sharing with people nearby, it would be lighten our burden because we can ask for advice and solutions to overcome the problems we are facing.

heartache is really very painful and will never be forgotten throughout life. But trust me on this earth live in pairs. So when we're feeling hurt, rest assured that the happiness that is priceless is waiting there with a smile in front of her was sweet.

December 17, 2010

1 True Friendship

Human life as social beings not be separated, never to be separated from the surrounding environmental factors. Humans could not live alone without help from others. One another will greatly need each other, so that a good environment is a special gift in our lives. In the presence of a healthy environment and good, will certainly make us feel comfortable living in that environment.

True friends are the bonds of friendship that is based on the bond between them. True friendship is strongly influenced by factors of sincerity, love, compassion, sacrifice, understanding and motivate each other. If the factors that have been owned by our friends, including ourselves, the true friendship would be formed by itself. Without the factors above, it is impossible a true friendship will terbina. If we want to have a real friend, then advance ourselves should have a soul, as mentioned above.

When we are sad, true friends will try to entertain ourselves. When we are overwritten trouble, a true friend will try to help alleviate our difficulties. When we need the help of a friend, true friend will help with sincerity and sacrifice. When we are no errors and kehilafan, true friends will try to remind ourselves. Vice versa, if our friends are overwritten difficulty and distress, we are also trying to help lighten their load and do whatever we can do for him.

In addition to the above factors, there are important factors that must be maintained existence is to maintain honesty and mutual trust. Honesty and maintain mutual trust is a factor that must-have if we want to establish a true friendship. If honesty and trust has been tarnished, so do not expect a lasting friendship will terbina. Honesty and trust is an element of friendship that was born from the innermost conscience. Purity of honesty and trust must stay awake and do not try to ruin it with an evil spirit and passion, because if it is damaged it will be difficult to return to normal.

Each man hopes to have a real friend in his life sail. The existence of true friends is very important as a motivator keberadannya place to live and express themselves and feeling soul. Sometimes if we have a problem either heavy or light problems, and we can talk with our true friend, as if the problems that gradually vanished. Maybe it's a psychological impact on the existence of a true friend in the midst of our lives.

Friendship is based on feelings of love and compassion, honesty and trust, understanding, sincerity and intimacy of spirit, will make a lasting friendship until whenever and wherever we are. True friendship will not be separated by time and place. We often hear and see many stories of friendship until old age, it is of course if you have the elements of friendship as above. May we also get a real friend who will continue to forge friendships until the end of our life.

0 Changing the Display Profile in Blog

In accordance with the title of this blog Landung.Share so that the owner (Landung Trijati) will share the knowledge that has been obtained. This time I want to share to you about how to Change the Display Profile in Blog, maybe you're bored with the standard profile view of the blog, as well as me. No lengthy, I will tell how because sharing it is very exciting and useful:

1. To be sure Log in to your blog first
2. Go to Layout -> Page Elements -> Add Gadget, select the widget HTML / JavaScript
3. Copy and paste the code below the widget HTML / JavaScript:
<div style='border: 2px solid #000000;
padding: 5px;
background-color: #ffffff;

<div style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
<img height="115" src="" width="80" border="2" color="black" /><br /><center><a href='' target='_blank'>Landung.Share</a></center></div><center>
Landung Trijati</center><br />
Want to Grow Up, Become a Professional and Personal Benefit to Others.
<br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Follow ON Facebook</a>
<br />
<a href="">See My Profile</a></div>
Note and search:

  1. Score 115 is a measure of high-profile image, and Figure 80 is the size of the width. And change that number according to the sidebar / your taste.
  2. is a profile photo that will be used, and replace it with your photo link.
  3. replace with your blog url, seta Landung.Share also change the title of your blog as well.
  4. Landung Trijati, rename it with your name.
  5. Want to Grow Up, Become a Professional and Personal Benefit to Others. Replace this sentence by sentence made your own.
  6. Replace also with the url up for you, and the last,
  7. replace with url of your blog profile.
Sample results can be seen directly in the images contained in this post and the sidebar that is on the right (if still there). This accuracy is necessary, I hope my posting this time beneficial to us all.

December 16, 2010

2 Bring Visitors and boosts Rank Blog

Bring visitors and boosts Rank in Blog, this is my hopes for my blog is still new. Though still new, hopefully to achieve these hopes, if many visitors it will make me more passion to improve the quality of my blog. To achieve that then I'll do a few ways to bring visitors and raise the rank on the blog, and I will share how to you all:

1. Submit a blog to a different web, for example in google addurl, geocities,
Note : Please enter your url in the submit box provided for each web. Do not just submit the url of your home, but do submit each posting on every web submit them. 

2. Visiting the blogs of others and leave comments on blogs you visit and write a message to visit the blog belongs to us, do at least 5 posts a comment on the blogs of others in a day and leave the url to your blog.

3. Do mutual exchange links on the blogs of others.
4. And actively participate in the preferred forum.
5. Try to open a google and then type: submit free url and later google will open the url website that provides free submit url, of course after that you register your blog.
6. Be patient and do not give up because to bring visitors and raise the rank on the blog need the time, for anyone visiting our blog and found by And of course always post.

Hopefully it can help us a lot of visitors to our blog and have a good rank ... Good Luck ^_^

0 Making a Scroll Button Back to Top

Want to make the scroll back to top of the blog? It is very easy, do copy the following code :
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then paste the code below code : <head>
Last step : click save template.

Very easy, simple and impressive results ^_^

December 15, 2010

0 Creating a Slide Show Recent Posts

In this post I will make a post in accordance with the above title is "Creating a Slide Show Recent Post". By using the slide show on our blog it will add to the beauty of the blog so visitors will linger visit our blog because it look beautiful. Immediately, how do I make it a Slide Show Recent Posts:

1. To be sure Log in to your blog first,
2. Then the Dashboard -> Layout -> Page Elements -> add Gadgat (it's up to you guys going to put a Slide Show Recent Posts where, at will and in accordance with your template),
3. And select the gadget HTML / JavaScript, then fill in the below code in the gadget itself :
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">

#spylist {
padding:0px 0px;
#spylist ul{
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0px 0px;
margin:0px 0px;
#spylist li {
padding: 5px 5px;
margin:0px 0px 5px 0px;
overflow: hidden;
background:#fff url( repeat-x;
border:1px solid #ddd;

#spylist li a {
margin:0px 0px;
padding:0px 0px 2px 0px;
#spylist li img {
padding:2px 0px;
margin:1px 0px 0px 0px;
font-family:Tahoma,Arial,verdana, sans-serif;

font-family:Tahoma,Arial,verdana, sans-serif;
padding:0px 0px;
margin:0px 0px;


<script language='javascript'>

imgr = new Array();

imgr[0] = "";

imgr[1] = "";

imgr[2] = "";

imgr[3] = "";

imgr[4] = "";
showRandomImg = true;

boxwidth = 255;

cellspacing = 6;

borderColor = "#232c35";

bgTD = "#000000";

thumbwidth = 70;

thumbheight = 70;

fntsize = 12;

acolor = "#666";

aBold = true;

icon = " ";

text = "comments";

showPostDate = true;

summaryPost = 40;

summaryFontsize = 10;

summaryColor = "#666";

icon2 = " ";

numposts = 10;

home_page = "";



<div id="spylist">
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
4. Replace with your url, then save.

^_^ Hopefully Helpful ^_^

0 Make Rotating Label Cloud

Look to the right post and point your cursor on the sidebar that I gave the title "Categories" interesting is not it? How to make it quite easy but before you make it download it to your template first, here's how:
  1. Log into blog 
  2. Click Layout
  3. Then click the Edit HTML tab
  4. Download your first template by clicking Download Full Template
  5. Then check the Expand Widget Templates button and locate the reply code like this : 
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'> or 
 <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebarright' preferred='yes'> 
 Note : press the key combination Ctrl + F on your keyboard to find the code quickly and easily  

6 . If the code is found then copy the following code and was placed under the code above :
<b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href=''>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href=''>Amanda Fazani</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject(&quot;;, &quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;240&quot;, &quot;300&quot;, &quot;7&quot;, &quot;#ffffff&quot;);
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam(&quot;wmode&quot;, &quot;transparent&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tcolor&quot;, &quot;0x333333&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;mode&quot;, &quot;tags&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;distr&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tspeed&quot;, &quot;100&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></a></b:loop></tags>&quot;);
so.addParam(&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot;, &quot;always&quot;);
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
7. Save Template

  • Change the height, width of the column and background 
Figures "240" is the width of the column
The number "300" is the height of the column
While the # ffffff is the code for the background
  • Changing font color : so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
  • Change font size : 
so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></a></b:loop></tags>");

The font in bold letters above can be altered to your taste and in accordance with their respective criteria. if any difficulty or fail to leave a comment, hopefully can help.

December 14, 2010

0 The Idea for Writing on the Blog

Write, write, and write that's what the bloggers and must look for good ideas and interesting to read by visitors. Searching the idea to write in the blog sometimes can be a headache for the first time they know the blog, or for those who wish to develop their blog.

So sometimes barriers to look for ideas to encourage them to do copy-paste an article, in fact there is no harm but should always be included with the source from which the article. So how do I get ideas when they are confused looking for ideas? Use only 2 things below:

1. Experience
2. Interest

Surely we all have the 2 things above them. And does not hurt to tell it through your blog.

For example the experience : no one who lived without the experience, and everyone has different experiences. Whatever experience you pour it all on your blog, so that the contents of your blog is really your own original work.

Interests : If we are interested in something, then we must find info related to these interests. For example interest on a computer network, so surely we will find different sources to get info about all the things that has to do with the computer network. And pour all the knowledge gained from the search that info into your blog, so that its contents were also made in the original language and style of your own.

With fresh ideas like that your blog will not be guaranteed kebahisan idea to continue to write a blog, hopefully this can help all companions.

0 Healthy Diet

Everyone will be different for a diet to lose weight for. While many diet programs that offer a variety of ways, but it would not hurt if you run in a healthy diet tips and natural below :
  1. Define your diet: try eating 2 times a day, perhaps when the prefix will often feel hungry. Make eat breakfast at 10:00 to 11:00 and time for dinner at about 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at night and if you feel hungry, you can replace it with the vegetable and fruits and do not forget to augment drinking water.
  2. How a healthy diet is always advocated not to eat too full, and try to always defecate regularly every day.
  3. Burn calories, burn calories by doing light exercise on a regular basis such as gymnastics, swimming, cycling and jogging.
  4. For tips on successfully, avoid eating and snacking at night because of the calories you eat at night will be buried in the body, this is because there is no activity for burning calories.
  5. Avoid habits that can make you gain weight, eg changing the consumption of sugar which is used with a low-calorie sugar.
  6. Do it regularly and consistently and do not forget to motivate yourself that you can lose weight, so get the ideal body weight / desired. Hopefully a little above tips can help and succeed.

December 13, 2010

0 Getting Inspiration for Writing

Writing may be something very easy but to write something based on facts, logic and decency, not based on fantasies that are not clear because it is very difficult to write that on the basis it would need the inspiration. And the arrival of inspiration based on one's mood. But I will share to you how to continue to get inspiration to continue working wrote:
  1. Visit the blog, one of the sources of inspiration are endless blog. By visiting and reading the content of blogs in terms of good ideas and interesting to read we will definitely get a new inspiration, this is also true on my own, inspired me to write with my typical style. 
  2. Events, at any time and wherever we are bound to find an event that happens around us. There is no harm to aggregated-separated, which could be an interesting theme to be written. Although the day-to-day events that may be mediocre, but if we write it with great style that will certainly remain interesting to read.
  3. The film, these are among the most fun way to get inspired. From watching the movie we're getting a lot of inspiration that will we write. Could review the film itself, his character or the circumstances that if we re to be written.
  4. Reading magazines, in the magazine a lot of interesting idea because the review is packed with good journalism language, sometimes make us jealous that encourages us to make better.
  5. Worship, sometimes we forget, that worship can be used as the theme of a post. Maybe we can tell how the feelings, hopes and our gratitude during worship. When worship is usually precisely we get a genuine inspiration.
  6. Friend, why friends can be a source of inspiration? As each friend definitely different and have different characters and each one has uniqueness so that it can be a source of inspiration. This can we dig deeper. Characters such as like direction, so it can be used as the theme of the nature of ill-tempered. What and how to control the nature of such. And many more are explored from our friends to be a source of inspiration.
  7. The roads, when our feelings do not feel whole or saturated harm to a minute walk. The roads to look around us, watching the people passing by, passing vehicles, billboards are scattered. And inspiration will come by itself.
  8. Hanging out with friends, we just become a good listener and let your friends talk to each other, see and listen at leisure. From listening to then we will get something different, so it can be used as inspiration to get ideas for writing.
Actually, all things can be used as a source of inspiration, depending on how we perceive and understand what is around us. Hopefully can help you all to get inspired and continue working.

0 Link to beautify Blog

One to attract visitors to come in our Blog is to beautify our blog. And I wanted to share a link to you about tips and tricks to beautify our blog, including:

3. Mbahhe Trik
4. Aku Punya dot com

Actually there are very many links link that contains the blog. But hopefully a little link above can help the bloggers as well.

0 Designing and Creating Your Own Templates in Blogspot Blog

Want to replace, to design and create their own blog template? Relax the bloggers who use to make that happen because has provided facilities that support the lovers to replace, design and create a blog template that we want. It's how:

1. Log in Blogger
2. On the Dashboard, select the link Design
3. Before making changes to your template, you should make a backup of your old template first, especially the setting in its meta tags. This is to anticipate things that are not desired.
4. After that, click the Template Designer in the next Link Link Edit HTML
5. You select the model template that you like, change the background as you like
6. Choose a model layout according to taste or needs
7. Lastly, Advanced, at this facility you can change the model paper (Font) and also the color, ranging from the font on the Page, Title, Description, links, etc.

Very Easy to do ... ^ _ ^

December 11, 2010

0 Continues Passionate Writing Blog

The beginner blogger would eventually be difficult to write something for his blog because of difficulties that most often complained of by the bloggers is a matter of mood. I will share to you all how to bring passion to be able to continue writing, and the following tips can be applied: 
  1. Look for a specific time to write, for example in the morning because the mind is still fresh and has not been much activity,
  2. Often to read-read, with reading we will get the knowledge and ideas that can later be poured into our blog,
  3. If we blog about a particular theme, whether we are more focused lebiha our readings on literature related to our theme, so that will spur us to continue writing,
  4. If until not find any idea after writing a few paragraphs, it just posted our writing, but must be added the words "continued". Thus the reader does not feel disappointed because we know that posting has not been completed and is still connected with the next article.

Hopefully a few tips above can help to improve your writing passion all ... Good Luck ... ^ _ ^

December 10, 2010

0 Make Address Bar Runs

There was writing in my guest book, whose contents "hmm .. this blog is good enough." And after I read it, I became more enthusiasm for the post. Thank you for visitors to comment through my guest book. So I'll post about how to make the address bar of our blog runs like on my blog. How:

1. Login to the blog, then Layout and choose edit HTML
2. Search code </head> by pressing ctrl + F on your keyboard
3. If you have found then copy the code below and put the above code </head>

<SCRIPT language='JavaScript'>
var txt=&quot;..::Landung.Share::.. &quot;;
var kecepatan=170;var segarkan=null;function bergerak() { document.title=txt;

note : Written in bold letters is replaced with your own writing

December 9, 2010

0 Types and Server Blog

I want to write a little about the type and blog server, hopefully could be useful for us all. I will discuss about the types of blogs first. There are many different types of blogs and this can be divided into :
1. Personal Blogger (People who write a diary on his blog)
2. Business Blogger (People who use blogs as a medium for promoting products / services)
3. Organizational Blogger (People who use their blogs to community affairs)
4. Professional Blogger (People who get paid for blogging or working to earn money through the blog).

Types of blog already, then a variety of servers blog. And it is may be free blog server, which can be used to create a blog and make money, among others :
1. Wordpress
2. Blogger
4. LiveJournal
5. BlogSome
6. MyOpera
7. BlogDrive

Of the various kinds of servers on the blog, we will choose because Blogger is free and besides that we may put an ad on our blog, and most importantly, bloggers are part of the Google corporate blog that makes it easy for us to be accessible in seluruhu over the world.

0 Benefit Blog

Before we discuss the benefits of blogs, I want to give a little understanding from the blog itself. Blog is a website that we can use to write / load that in slang it is posted periodically. understanding of the blog has been delivered, then I want to tell some of the benefits of blogs, including :

1. Blogs can make us smarter, if we create a blog so we are required to learn to better learn how to write well, learn about technological developments and anything. In addition we are able to discuss many things with bloggers, so it will increase our insight and knowledge.

2. Blogs can add to the reward, if we create a blog and its contents are useful for other people then we will get the reward because it can help others through writing that we write, but if otherwise it will get a sin.

3. Blogs can add a lot of friends, if we often blogging then will meet with many other bloggers, even if only in cyberspace but it was fun just being able to know people coming from all over the world. And this is amazing.

4. Blogs can make us understand a technology, create a blog is very easy because it just click here and there. But what we feel is enough to make a standard blog (without modification)? we definitely want to modify it for the blog that we created in accordance with what they want and look as beautiful as possible.

Therefore, we must understand about the technology. For example if we want to change the template, add / create the effect, upload photos, and so forth. And certainly we will look for how to modify our blog, we unconsciously also gain knowledge about the technology.

And for those who still lay / beginner, do not be afraid either to modify the blog because we have made over time we can also make modification and familiar. Then become proficient. we do not rapidly key desperate and bored.

5. Blogs also can relieve stress, when we're too late or dizzy, then just open our own blog and then write something on our own blogs, or open the blogs of others and then make comments or whatever we want on the blogs we visit, the origin Do not do anything that might hurt. And secured a sense of stress and headaches will go away.

6. Clever writing, do this command "Commit with senditi ourselves that we will write at least one blog post every day. Then count how many posts we have made, if one-time postings per day, within one year we've written 360 posts (30 X 12).

Then observe the character of our writing every day, week, month, every year. Surely there will be changes in the character of our own writing. If we aspire to be a writer then please do not hesitate to take advantage of blogs we have created to achieve those goals (the author). But if we want to be a writer, one should not just writing every day but more than that.

December 7, 2010

0 Make the shout Box

Shout box or collectively, the say box, chatter box and the tag board is a box that serves to send short messages, such as chat. Get to how to make a shout box :

1. Click Here to register first.
2. After successfully registering then click Continues to select the type of shout box provided.
3. Then click Get Codes to get the code that we will use to create a shout box on our blog.
4. The code has been obtained, then we go directly to our blog select Layout -> Add Page Elements, then select the element HTML / Javascript.
5. Then we paste the code elements that we have a copy of last
6. Then save it. Shout box ready for use ... ^_^

0 Nutritious Fruit Juice

Juice is a refreshing drink n nourish our bodies and there are 7 kinds of nutritious fruit juice for the health of our lives, including :

1. Pomegranate juice, it comes with vitamins A, C and E and folic acid are important in the early stages of pregnancy.
Benefits : helps the heart, because pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockage in the arteries by cholesterol. In addition, pomegranate juice is also associated with the prevention of prostate cancer.

2. Orange juice
Benefits : for the immune system, protection against anemia. The best source of vitamin C and also a source of folic acid, so that pregnant women should drink it in considerable amounts. Drinking orange juice with meals to increase iron uptake for protection against anemia. New research suggests drinking a glass of orange juice per day, it also helps prevent the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis).

3. Grapefruit juice
Benefits: for the immune system. Rich in vitamin C, grapefruit is a kind of citrus fruit and therefore rich in beta-carotene. So that can help protect the skin from damage by free radicals.

But its use be avoided when we are in the medication. This juice contains a substance that can slow down the solving of some medications. This led to an increasing number of drugs in the bloodstream, thus increasing its effect.

4. Cider
Benefits : for energy; cardiac protection. Rich in flavonoids that help protect the heart. Has 1 / 3 orange juice vitamin C levels. Contains a lot of sugar fructose. But its use in children avoided, because it can cause gastric disturbance complaint.

5. Pineapple juice
Benefits : for digestion. This fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps digest protein and fruit also contains natural sugar to boost energy. Containing 11 mg vitamin C/100 ml.

6. Tomato juice
Benefits : To arrange the body; men's health. Juice to thin it only contains 50 kalori/250 ml. The juice also contains bioflavonoids which help strengthen capillary blood vessels, so it does not cause leaks in blood vessels and the formation of bags that contain water in the skin that cause cellulite. And the content of lycopene in tomatoes has been associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer. But its use should be avoided in individuals with high blood pressure, because the tomato juice contains high levels of salt.

7. Cranberry juice
Benefits : Prevent the occurrence of cystitis (bladder inflammation). Proanthocyanidin in cranberry juice stops harmful bacteria adhesion to the bladder wall, thus reducing the risk of urinary tract infection.

This juice contains vitamin C in very high levels, and the juice is sold by the addition of sugar, it tastes bitter without adding sugar.

Its use is avoided in patients who use anti-clotting drug is warfarin. This was stated by The Committee on Safety of Medicines, as it can increase the risk of bleeding.

0 History of the Name of my Blog

I want to write the history of the name / title of the blog I have created with great difficulty, knowing still a beginner. Immediately, Landung.Share is the title of my blog that has been set after several replacement of the blog title that I feel quite fit. And when I walked away as he thought fit to find the title of the blog and after rack my brain here and there eventually came the idea, why not use my own name and added a few words to describe the blog.

Landung is my first name and I am confused again to look for additional words, the brain play again. I was minded why not add the word "share" which in Indonesian means sharing, the goal of making my blog is to share the information I get from various sources in order to exchange information. then I've set my blog's title is "Landung.Share" and I've cooked once to use it. that's about the history of the name / title of my blog.

0 Definition of Electronic Emommerce

Electronic Commerce (EC) is a new concept that can dgambarkan as the process of buying and selling goods or services on the World Wide Web Internet (Shim, Qureshi, Siegel, 2000) or the process of buying and selling or exchanging products, services and information through information networks including the Internet (Turban , Lee, King, Chung, 2000). Kalakota and Whinston (1997) defines the EC of some perespektif follows:

1. From the communications perspective, EC is the delivery of information, products / services, or payments via telephone lines, computer networks or other electronic means.
2. From a business process perspective, EC is the application of technology to automate transactions and workflow company
3. From the service perspective, EC is a tool that meets the company's desire, consumers, and management in cutting costs while improving service quality of goods and speed of service.
4. From an online perspective, EC relating to the capacity of sales and purchase of products and information on the Internet and other online services.

However, some people view the term commerce (trading) as a transaction made by the company that each other partner. Thus, the term Electronic commerce narrow memorable for some people. Thus, many who prefer to use a term e-Businees, which refers to the definition of e-commerce more broadly, not just selling and buying, but it also means serving customers and collaborating with business partners, as well as the implementation of electronic transactions within an organization.

December 3, 2010

0 Open Links in New Tabs for

I am a novice blogger so I want to make my blog becomes more efficient. We may never visit a blog and in it there is a link that when we click the link it will open in a new tab, and maybe we're still wondering how do I make it. Now I will share how to make it to you in the title of my blog "Landung.Share" so this blog can to share information about anything. Definitely can not wait to find out how to open a link that we click Adar open in new tabs. It's how :
>> If the code is shaped like a regular link below :
<a href='http://link-address'>click here</a>

>> We replace the above code with the code below to make the link open in a new tab automatical :
a< href="#"=" target="_blank" rel="dofollow" onclick="'http://link-address'); return false;">click here</a>

0 Maximizing Our Blog

I just created a blog and want to post what confused me to add my post for my blog quickly indexed and many visitors. After turning the brain (looking for ideas for posted), my brain can not possibly be played ... hehehe .. ! I was only figurative. ? Now all of a sudden I got the idea from nowhere, and the idea of how to maximize our blog search engine. There are many ways, one of them:
1. Click here on your browser
2. Fill Column "Blog Name" content with "Name Your Blog" example: Landung.Share
3. In the column "Blog URL" content with "Url Your Blog" example:
4. And the only column "Blog RSS" just vacated by choice only
5. After that click "Check All" to enable all services
6. Finally click "Ping My Blog"

Hopefully benefit us all. Good Luck .. ^_^

December 2, 2010

0 Link Blinking (Rainbow)

I want to make my blog look more colored, one with a link to the blog so that can blink like a rainbow. The way is easy. Just follow these steps below :

1. Do you Log to your Blogger.
2. On the Dashboard page, we select Layout.
3. Then select Edit HTML
4. Do not forget to check the Expand Widget Templates
5. Put (copy paste) the following code above the code </head>

<script src="">

Point your cursor on your blog link and your link color is changing colors like a rainbow. so beautiful ... ^_^

December 1, 2010

0 .com domain free

Finally after searching here and there, I get how to get a domain. com for free. And I wanted to share with you all, and just:
2. Click the registry to complete your data on the form that has been provided
3. Open your email that you used to register and immediately click on the link that you have booked for the activation of your account registration
4. Once active, do log into your member area using your username and password that you created
5. Click "Refer Other People" and distribute your address to friends or relatives
6. Once you get 7 people (7point) then you can redeem the domain name by clicking on "Request free domain"

The way the above is legal.
This method uses the most common ways in which other businesses, where to get a domain name that you have to collect points which you can later exchange with the domain name you want. But do not worry because you can just refer (invited) 7 people to get 7 points, so you can get the domain name. The trick is very easy you simply spread the referral address from your id, be with friends, relatives, through facebook or through advertising that you attach.

Hopefully useful for those of you who want to get for quite some while. com domain for free. good luck ^ _ ^

0 Brief History of e-Commerce

Implementation of electronic commerce began in the early 1970s, with the kind of innovation electronic fund transfer (EFT). At that level is still very limited application in large companies, financial institutions, and a handful of small companies are desperate. Then came the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), which evolved from the financial transaction to another transaction process and enlarge the number of participating companies, financial institutions began to companies manufacturing, retail, service and so forth. Other applications and then followed, which has a range from stock trading to travel reservation systems. At that time the system is referred to as the strategic value of telecommunications applications are already known in general.

With the commercialization of the Internet in the early 1990s, and the rapid growth that reached up to millions of potential customers, then comes the term electronic commerce (e-Commerce), the application immediately flourished. E-Commerce Research Center University of Texas who studies the internet company, the fastest-growing sector is the e-Commerce, which rose to 72% from $ 99.8 billion to $ 171.5 billion. In 2002, over one trillion dollars in revenue generated from the Internet.

One reason for the rapid development of these technologies is the development of networks, protocols, software, and specifications. Another reason is increased competition and various other business pressures.

From 1995 to 1999 we have witnessed a variety of innovative applications, ranging up to the auction ad virtual reality. Nearly every medium and large organizations in the U.S. already has its own website. There are very large for example, in 1998, General Motors Corporation ( offers 18,000 pages of information that includes 98,000 links to various products, and service dealers.

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