January 28, 2011

1 8 Tips for Healthy & Blessings Blogging

As the real world like a missionary, proselytizing via blogs also need some signs, so the bloggers can really stay on track with initial commitments in the sermon. This is important because cyberspace is a vast territory that a lot of temptation or the possibility of interference that could have made us less reward. Here are eight things that we all nan-blogger preaches healthy - is expected to run it:

1. Ikhlas and Straighten Intention
While at the computer alone, no one was looking, but writing out there we could see hundreds, thousands of people every day. This was followed by a variety of comments ranging from praise and criticism. Too proud of the compliment, and furious when criticized, could be confounding our sincerity. Remember, propaganda via blogs still have to go ahead despite much praise and criticism. Do not expect fame, because it can trap us in the future. Rasulullah SAW said: "indeed every charity depends on the (quality) of his intention" (HR Bukhari Muslim)

2. Trying Istiqomah
In the real world must istiqomah mission. The study was made routinely even glow. There pekanan, bi-weekly to monthly. Even halaqoh pekanan course also be made routinely. This is all for 'function' mission to be optimal. Similarly, in our post, let's try to istiqomah in posts. If you need any targets and timetables posts on certain days. Encourage each other when there is a 'preacher bloggers "who suddenly futur rather than for reasons of understandable syar'i. Insha Allah istiqomah fruit will taste when served.

3. Not Hurrying
Although it must istiqomah, does not mean we should rush in the post. Being a blogger deadliner very unpleasant. Because it means it will reduce the quality of our posts. If it is necessary to look for references, analyze, then just do it. It's not a shame thing also if we ask for is edited by a friend / someone else before posting our article. Prophet has warned that: it is the rush of syaithon (Bayhaqi)

4. Define Goals
Region cyberspace is boundless. Readers of our blog as well we barely know who he is and what is behind it later. Dai started elementary school children to professors and even presidential ones. Hence we can do is two things: write propaganda in general, or write a special discussion by telling us who the goal posts. Do not let our writing misunderstood, because of the limitations of those who read it. Imam Ali ibn Abi Tholib ra said: "talk to people what they know, or do you want Allah and His Messenger didustakan?"

5. Unite rather than sever
Write something that could unite Muslims, not even adding the problem is not endless divisions. Wah we bring together many things that are usually seen as divisive. Do not post khilafiyah problems with the stamp 'is the most correct'. Many things are agreed upon Muslims deserve to be a discussion. This does not mean tolerating things that are deviant. We have to assess whether a difference of opinion including those that can be tolerated or not.

6. Zoom Network
Getting friends and relatives via our blog so much fun. Let us keep ukhuwah that comes with sudden, such as by continuing to greet each guest book via the shoutbox, and so forth. More ahsan again if we though it could be a wider network of propaganda anymore. Do not forget to encourage each other to be involved in contributing in a real world mission. Just to remind all, not to existing ukhuwah become damaged due to intentions of other intentions, such as virus-pink, love, popularity, and so forth.

7. Professional Equipment
Islam clearly suggests that we apply our professional in every activity. Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily, Allah likes if one of you do a job, professionals in the job" (Bayhaqi in Sya'bul Faith). Hence the true da'wah bloggers also must be willing to become learners in this blogger world. How he could keep the 'pulpit preaching' to keep a good look at, comfortable and at home was visited, as well as for the object of his message traffic can increase the message from day to day. Therefore, every preacher bloggers also have to keep learning tutorial blogs and the like.

8. Do not neglect
Although we are required to try to keep posting, and professional in managing the blog, but still it should not make us a reason to reduce our contribution in the mission in the real world, especially if all of that to interfere with our interactions to God through our daily worship. Allah SWT said: "No treasure-your treasure and your children melalaikanmu from the remembrance of Allah" (Surah Munafiqun 9)

Thus, this post is more of an effort to motivate us to equally able to enhance the quality and quantity of our contribution to the mission via this blog in cyberspace. So the article above also applies in particular true for me as the author. Lastly, I want to say: "berkaryalah, because that's one proof that we ever existed in this world!". Greetings optimistic.

Source: http://www.indonesiaoptimis.com/2010/12/8-tips-ngeblog-sehat-berkah.html

0 Alexa Ranking and Internet Healthy

For myself, or maybe all internet lovers healthy, Alexa ranking might not be a target that must be pursued continuously. It all depends on our perspective about Alexa, it could mean positive and negative. Confused? Maybe this is a little brief explanation.

Alexa Ranking has the value and positive effect, if:
1. Makes us consistent in posting updates, so that keeps us active reading, searching and browsing for new inspiration on the theme that we will write. Alexa is very encouraging about this, because Alexa rankings every day we can be sure to change either up or down depending on our traffic. While the traffic we depend on our writing, the more our posts and more quality then our traffic will increase. By itself, Alexa rankings are increasingly slim and attractive.

2. Creating value the more valuable our blog and have a high bargaining price. This will be positive because more inviting and friendship networks. It is not possible, the bid would be more easily ad in the can. As with the admin, we also have a bargaining when bargaining ads and the like.

3. Alexa value is sometimes a requirement in obtaining certain free facilities. This is something unique and new for me too. Among the examples is the provision of proper facilities SmadAV Pro requires a specific donation, by the owner Zainudini N provided free of charge to those facilities that have a value of blogs admin Alexa under 400,000. Maybe there will be opportunities and other facilities that require significant Alexa ranking.

Meanwhile, the value of Alexa also may have a negative effect if:
1. Just be a reason for us to frequently update the post and chase traffic, with memostingkan the things that are less worthy, less healthy, or also simply copy and paste from the news and other blog posts there. Worse yet, if the writing Copas is recognized as the original owner of the blog posts. Content is hot, hot and exciting is also usually a weapon Alexa hunters, because it is common knowledge, that such postings will easily attract Internet users to 'menongkronginya'

2. Could become negative if we use it only for pride and for show. We attach great-great in our blog to scare visitors. This sometimes go unnoticed, that Alexa is not a tool of self-motivation, but a means to show off and degrading other blogs. So sometimes possible, the owner of the blog with Alexa ranking was not too small to serve any comments or feedback from bloggers with a fat alexa.

Perhaps it is still a lot of negative and positive effects scattered around Alexa. Perhaps the Indonesian blogger friend who was also optimistic about the special experience, please share it in the comments of this post.

source: http://www.indonesiaoptimis.com/2010/11/rangking-alexa-dan-internet-sehat.html

January 24, 2011

0 The Japanese-style Brain Exercises

The Japanese are known for intelligence and discipline. In addition to protein-rich food hooked, the Japanese are also known brain exercises that can increase the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and makes the brain is constantly active.

The popularity of Japanese brain training started in 2005 with Nintendo's Brain Age games and puzzles such as Sudoku. The children up to seniors started playing these games to improve memory, IQ and makes the brain more active.

Now, educators and scientists in Japan have developed a number of brain exercises and some games that are designed to enhance the brain, which could be children, adults and seniors.

Reporting from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (08/03/2010), here are some brain exercises conducted serig Japanese:

1. Brain Age
Given the number of elderly people in Japan, Dr. Ryuta Kawashima of Tohoku University of Medicine decided to create a game that can restore the mental agility of senior citizens in Japan.

Kawashima create video games that can be used to improve the mental reasoning and language. His research created a Nintendo game, Brain Age. Brain Age has a component that test and improve mathematical skills, memory skills and capabilities that enhance the neural pathways.

2. Sudoku
Sudoku is a Japanese puzzle that train of reasoning and analytical side of the brain. Popularized by Nikoli Sudoku Puzzle Company in 1986 and became popular worldwide in 2005. Sudoku puzzle consists of 9x9 square box, in which each row contains the numbers 1 through 9.

At the beginning of the game, there are several numbers in each square, then the player must use logic to menalarkan columns and rows are still blank with the appropriate figures. There are many variations of sudoku, like sudoku for children who use a smaller box and has a symbol like the planets and animals, not numbers.

3. Anzan
Anzan is the beginning of the existence of brain exercises in Japan. Anzan translated into English means 'mental calculation' and involves a long series of numbers by imagining abacus calculation.

In anzan, abacus pictured in the mind. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and bookkeeping comes through deep concentration and manipulation of mental abacus. To become proficient, one must be a lot of practice. Children in Japan often exercise anzan 2 hours a day. (detikhealth)

0 Changes in the Zodiac in 2011

There are changes in the zodiac in 2011, this time, So far we only know the 12 zodiac, but not anymore. There are new constellations were added in the list of the zodiac in 2011, namely Ophiuchus, which now number into 13 zodiac zodiac.

Astronomers Parke Kunkle said that because of changes in the Earth's equatorial alignment of the zodiac date little has changed. Zodiac sign because it was born 13 that Ophiuchus.Zodiak

Kunkle said that due to the movement of the Earth and the Sun will occur signs of gradual change, as previously thought.

This change does not happen instantly. The 12 zodiac which is now valid for different time periods throughout the year nearly 3,000 years ago, when astrology began, and since then the position of Earth in relation to the sun has changed.

Zodiac sign of the 13, not like 12 other signs. Zodiac is illustrated with real people. In the 27th century BC in Ancient Egypt lived a man known as Imhotep. The ancient Greeks know more about Imphotep as 'Aesclepius'. The characteristics of the same with different names.

Imhotep is one of healing ability. Based on the legend, it was he who introduced a way of healing diseases to mankind. His knowledge of medicine is very broad. In fact, he was known as an expert in concocting medicines. Snake symbol that is still used today to symbolize the medical profession, is also used to represent Imhotep.

The following description is related to the new zodiac, Ophiuchus: many people are jealous of the success achieved during life, a seeker of wisdom and knowledge, many people envied, like wandering, flamboyant in dress, likes bright colors, always in all things diotoritaskan , is more inclined to work as an architect or builder, number 12 indicates the number of people who sheltered zodiac luck, most people born in this zodiac has a large family, but left home at an early age.

Here is a list of the latest revision of the zodiac. See if you have changed the Zodiac.

Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11 - April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - November 23
Scorpio: November 23 - November 29
Ophiuchus: November 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - January 20

Did you change the zodiac?

January 20, 2011

0 Jealousy

Jealousy, a simple word but keep a very deep meaning behind it. There are many reasons why we feel jealous, and despite normal for people to feel something, jealousy tend to be out of control if we fail to conquer it.

Well, in order to conquer and control it, you need to know is where the jealousy is coming from.

When you're feeling jealous, you know is just that you're feeling, right? That's when you should stop! It may be difficult to remember every moment, but you should be able to stop for a moment when you feel jealous and ask yourself why.

Does it have anything to do with trust you, or because of your boyfriend's own behavior that causes you to feel that way? Speaking of confidence, jealousy is an effective way to reduce it. So whatever the reasons behind it, is very important for you to conquer jealousy, otherwise it could damage trust yourself.

Once you know than your jealousy comes, and things you must do is find out why it makes you jealous. For example, if you know that is because it makes you jealous to see your boyfriend talking familiarly with the opposite sex, so you have to discover why it makes you jealous.

Have you ever had a similar experience with your old boyfriend first, or you're just afraid of being betrayed? If yes, why would you be afraid? Do yourself poorer confidence is lower than what you think? As you can see, a lot of questions arise that must be asked and answered so that you can control the flavor cemburumu.

Once you realize where kecemburuanmu menyebabkankan coming from and what, now you can concentrate to control it and hopefully can get rid of it. If your boyfriend's behavior related reasons, then the best step is to get him to talk seriously. Do not feel scared or stupid when you're doing it. You after all have a right to express your feelings, and your boyfriend had a right to know what makes you jealous. If he is saying to you, he will perform a variety of ways to stop feeling that way.

Ease and get rid of jealousy will take time. All it also depends on the circumstances and reasons behind it. If you are jealous because your boyfriend is the one bit flirtatious, and he changed his attitude, then maybe think cemburumu will soon subside. But, if you think cemburumu come from other areas such as the competitive nature with a girl / another guy, then it will be more difficult. One way to deal with this kind of jealousy is to increase its own "quality" of yourself.

Do things that can encourage a sense of trust you, for example by exercising so much slimmer. But remember, do not do these things to excess to harm yourself, either cost, effort or thought. You should feel good while doing it.

Learning how to handle jealousy will have a big impact on the situation further. Kombinasikanlah sense cemburumu with other, more rational emotion, so I can still control it. But if you combine it with a stressful emotions such as anger, you can actually make a variety of actions or decisions that you'll regret later.

So, to conquer jealousy you just have to remember the following steps:
1. Discover the taste cemburumu
2. Ask yourself where they come from
3. Ask again why does it make you jealous
4. Talk with your boyfriend
5. Make some changes so that you are more confident
6. Combine jealousy with a more rational emotion
7. Exercise!

As long as you follow it, you'll be able to control taste cemburumu and prevent that it is controlling you. The last step is also very penting.Latihan! If you continue to practice it many times, controlling jealousy will become increasingly easy.

Controlling your emotions like that will make you as a leader and not be a pengikuti your emotions. That could menghindarkanmu from things such unwanted break from your boyfriend, low self-esteem, depression, jealousy or even crazy. Thus, you can focus yourself on other things in life are far more useful, like learning to get good grades in school, and so on. And of course, you also will be trained to think in an open and more able to seek a solution in other problems in your relationship with the him.

0 Youth Problems

In my previous post was talking about understanding teenagers, this time I will share about the problems experienced by adolescents. Get to the main discussion

Adolescence is often marked by physical and psychological changes, this change raises particular problems for adolescents as well as the surrounding environment. Usually teenagers will ask questions about the changes that happened to him so that they can realize possisi within the family or community but also many teenagers who did not care changes that happen to them so often lead to various problems .. among the problems that arise in adolescence, namely:

1. The problems caused by physical changes and motor
Physical growth in adolescence is very fast. Physical development is not proportional to cause discontent and lack of confidence. Reproductive maturity in adolescence requires effort gratification and if not guided by the norms can lead to sexually deviant behavior.

2. Problems associated with cognitive and language development.
In early adolescence is marked by rapid development of intellectual abilities. But when, the teenager did not get a chance development of intellectual abilities, particularly through education at school, then perhaps its intellectual potential will not develop optimally. Likewise adolescence, particularly early adolescents is the best time to get to know and explore a foreign language. However, given the limitations of opportunities and facilities and pre facilities, causing the teenager's difficulty in mastering a foreign language. Inevitably, in this current era of globalization, the mastery of foreign languages is essential to the success of one's life and career. But with the obstacles in the development of incompetence in foreign languages must be some measure of influence on life and career success. Impaired cognitive and language development can also result in emotional aspects, social and behavioral aspects and other personalities.

3. Problems associated with the development of social behavior, morality and religious.
Adolescence also referred to as the social hunger (thirst social), which is characterized by the desire to get along and be accepted within the peer group (peer group). Rejection of the peer group can lead to frustration and makes him as isolated and feel inferior. But on the contrary, if teenagers can be accepted by peers and even become an idol of course she will feel proud and have the honor in itself. Social behavior of adolescent problems not only occur with peer groups, but also can occur with parents and other adults, including teachers at the school. This is due in adolescence, particularly early adolescents will be characterized by an ambivalent desire, on the one hand the desire to remove the dependency and can determine his own choice, but on the other hand he still needs a parent, especially economically. In line with the growth of reproductive organs, social relations that developed in adolescence is marked also by the desire to establish a special relationship with other species and if not guided action can lead to deviant behavior in social and sexual behavior. In adolescence is also marked by a desire to experiment and test the reliability of the existing norms, if not guided, might have developed into a conflict of values in themselves and with their environment.

4. Problems associated with the development of personality, and emotional.
Adolescence is also the time to discover the identity of self (self identity). Search for the identity of any business, mostly done by showing the behavior of trial and error, imitation behavior or identification. When the teenager failed to find his identity, he will experience an identity crisis or identity confusion, so perhaps it will form a personality system that not describe the actual state of self. The reactions and emotional expression that is still unstable and not yet under control in adolescence can have an impact on our personal and social. He became often feel depressed and moping or she actually becomes the person to behave aggressively. Quarrels and fights often occur because of emotional instability.

Other than those described above, of course, still many other problems of adolescence. The emergence of adolescent problems are influenced by various factors, both internal and external. For teenagers to avoid the various difficulties and problems would need the wisdom of all parties. Efforts to facilitate the development of adolescents will be very important. In this case, the role of parents, schools participating in the development of adolescent growth

0 Musical Influence On Children

Research shows that music, especially classical music influence the development of IQ (Intelegent Quotien) and EQ (Emotional Quotien). A child who from childhood accustomed to listening to music will be more developed emotional intelligence and intelegensinya compared with children who rarely listen to music. The meaning of the music here is music that has a regular rhythm and the tones are regular, not oblique tones. The level of discipline of children who often listen to music is also better than children who rarely listen to music.

Grace Sudargo, a musician and educator said the basics of classical music in general comes from the rhythm of the human pulse so that it plays a major role in brain development, the formation of soul, character, and even human flesh.

Research shows, classical music compositions containing tone fluctuates between high and low pitch tone will stimulate quadrant C in the brain. Until the age of 4 years, quadrant B and C in the brains of children will grow up to 80% with the music.

Music greatly affects human life. Music has 3 important parts of beat, rhythm, and harmony, says Ev. Andrew Christanday in a lecture musical. Beat affects the body, affecting the rhythm of the soul, while affecting the spirit of harmony. The most obvious example that beat really affect the body is in a rock concert. Certainly there are no spectators or players in a rock concert that his body not moving. Everything rocked with a vengeance, and even tends to be uncontrollable. We still remember with a head banger, a twisting movement of the head to the rhythm of the loud rock music. And it followed her body as if without feeling tired. If our hearts are hard, try to listen to beautiful music, which has a rhythm (rhythm) is regular. The feeling we will be more comfortable and easy. Even outside the country, the hospitals make itself more beautiful songs to help cure his patients. That is a proof, that greatly affect the rhythm of the human soul. While greatly affect the spirit of harmony. If we watch a horror movie, always sounding harmony (melody), heart-wrenching, chilling which we stand. In religious rituals are also widely used harmony that brings the spirit of man into nature worship. In meditation, people hear the harmony of the sounds of nature around him. Music is good for human life is a balance between the beat of music, rhythm, and harmony, says Ev. Andrew Christanday.

A biophysicist has conducted an experiment on the influence of music for the living. Two plants of the same type and age are placed in different places. One was placed close to the speaker (the speaker) that presents the songs slow rock and heavy rock, while other plants are placed close to the speakers that broadcast the songs are beautiful and rhythmically regular. In a few days there very striking differences. Plants near the speakers rock songs became withered and died, while plants near the speakers beautiful songs grow fresh and blooming. A proof that music really affect the lives of living beings.

The universe is created by nature a very beautiful music. Thundering waves of the sea, the roar of the wind in the mountains, and rain is very beautiful nature music. And has been proven, how music influences of nature to human life.

Wulaningrum Wibisono, S. Psi, said today If you feel so heavy, you should check again your life today. Do-do you not listen to music and singing.

SOURCE: http://www.iqeq.web.id/anak/anak02.shtml

January 19, 2011

0 Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency commonly referred to as Juvenile juvenilis comes from the Latin, which means the children, young people, the characteristic features of one's youth, his characteristic in adolescence, while delinquent derived from the Latin "delinquere" which means to neglect, ignore , which then expanded it mean to be wicked, naughty, anti-social, criminal, lice and so forth.

Juvenile delinquency or juvenile delinquency is a bad behavior or delinquency of young people, a symptom of illness (pathological) socially in children and adolescents are caused by a form of social neglect, so they developed a form of deviant behavior. The term juvenile delinquency refers to a wide range, from behavior that is unacceptable social community.

Can I conclude here that the tendency of juvenile delinquency is the tendency of adolescents to perform actions that violate the rules can lead to losses and good about themselves kerosakan mahupun other people who do adolescents under the age of 17 years.

While the factors that influence the tendency of juvenile delinquency are as described below.

Age of adolescents, there was a time at the stage where the teenagers are having problems identiti. Biological and social changes allow the two forms of integration in keperibadian adolescents: one, the formation of a sense of consistency in his life and two, the achievement of identiti role, less is more with how to incorporate motivation, values, abilities and style of teens owned by the role required of adolescents.
In search identiti, teenagers sometimes make the wrong choice.

Guard yourself
Adolescent behavior that never broke chest akhbar

Juvenile delinquency can also be described as the failure to develop enough self escort in terms of their behavior. Some adolescents fail to develop essential self escort who already owned by someone else during the process of growth. Most teens have been studying the distinction between acceptable behavior and behavior that is unacceptable, but young people who do not recognize this mischief. They may fail membezakan behavior is acceptable and unacceptable, or maybe they actually already know the distinction between the two but failed to develop adequate self escort in using that distinction to guide their behavior.

Adolescent boys do more antisocial behavior than women. In general, the number of teenage boys who commit crimes in a gang is estimated to double 50-fold than adolescent girls.

Hope to education and values in schools
Teenagers who become perpetrators of delinquency often have low expectations of education in schools. They feel that free schools are not so useful to life, so usually their values against the school tends to be low. They have no motivation for school. They will selalunya ponteng school.

The process of family
Happy family

Family factors affect the incidence of juvenile delinquency. Lack of family support such as a lack of attention to aktiviti child's parents, lack of effective application of discipline, lack of parental affection can become hyper incidence of juvenile delinquency. Inadequate parental supervision of adolescents and the application of discipline is ineffective and does not fit is an important factor in determining family emergence of juvenile delinquency. Disputes within the family or the stress experienced by families is also associated with delinquency. Genetic factors are also included as a booster onset juvenile delinquency, although peratusnya not so great.

Effect of peer movement
Having peers who do increase the risk of juvenile delinquency to be naughty. According to a study of 500 principals and 500 juvenile delinquency are not doing something naughty, was found peratusan higher delinquency is to teens who have frequent relations with peers who do mischief.

Persekitaran qualities residence
Community also can play a role in eliciting behavioral issues. Communities with high crime paras allows teens observe the various models that do aktiviti criminals and get results or awards for their criminal aktiviti. Such a society is often marked by poverty, unemployment, and feeling excluded from the class of simple classes. Qualities of education in schools, shopping at the school, and aktiviti outside the convoy were other factors in society that is also associated with juvenile delinquency.

Based on the above opinion can be concluded that unlicensed factor that causes most juvenile delinquency trend is the emergence of family factors that lack of harmony and movement, especially the influence of peer factors that are less good, kerana at this time adolescents begin to move from their homes and seek peer movement, so that the interests, values , and invested by the group norms that determine the behavior of teenagers more than the norm, values that exist within families and communities.

January 14, 2011

0 Keeping Love Alive

Love, who would not know a feeling this one, everyone must have felt and want a love forever. However, to maintain a love is not easy, understanding and honesty is one of the cornerstone for maintaining a love for bersemayan in the heart forever.

Get to the principal discussion, that is about keeping love alive. Here are some tips for keeping love alive:

1. Praise
give a compliment to the pair, although looks trivial but a compliment to have considerable influence and is easy to give. So take a look at something that makes your spouse
and others unique and custom build praise Them for something special there.

2. Every effort is painful is similar to the oyster or the pearl-making process, and there are a precious jewel - a personal benefit - in every case, every person.
Do not stop to fight for love despite any difficult.

3. Do not live all alone.
Welcome the new insights from a new perspective and others who come from family, friends, book a good marriage or of a qualified marriage counselor.

4. In relation to each other is satisfactory, both parties need to express it, and they have the flexibility to give and take.

5. Honorary like love bersarungkan hand, the definition of the verb is doing something inappropriate for someone who is precious to us.

6. All the trials that we experience, big or small can be better to bring us to the two best things in life: love for life and love for fellow

7. Wholeness or unity does not mean that one party dominates the other or that a stronger control of the weaker.

8. Anger is our choice. We can choose to see it as a potential force to damage and take steps to reduce it within us. On the other hand, anger and love iceberg could sink us.

9. A better understanding of the motivations and actions that grow out of the basic personality of ourselves can help us achieve personal satisfaction and marital satisfaction.

10. Sharing feelings of deep connection with every other person is an emotional connection, and it is vital for sexual satisfaction.

11. When we reach out to others, our need for fulfillment and love will be found.

12. Give seven or more praise for any advice when we find fault with other parties.

January 12, 2011

0 5 Tips to prevent Heart

Having a partner is everyone's dream because it can make us happier. Yet this world was created in pairs, there is love there must be sorrow, there must exist also black and white, as well as your love life is happy there must be sad.

Establish a relationship whose name mungin feel hurt. Hurt really painful and difficult to treat. But this time I will share how to not feel hurt. The couple could have become a handsome prince who is very fascinating. But at other times, they can turn into someone who is disappointing and makes the heart sick. Many things can be done to overcome resentment, and hurt like silence, distancing themselves from the association, or eating uncontrollably.

However, there are several things you can do to relieve pain without the need to punish yourself or regret it later in life. Here are suggestions from Sheknows.

1. Say: You are a very interesting
Make sure that you are a woman attractive and charming. And, lover you are very lucky to have you. If a man treats you do not deserve so that relationships become 'healthy', you have no choice left.

2. Eating chocolate
The experts reveal the content of chocolate can give a sense of happiness in an instant. Eating delicious chocolate makes you feel more relieved.

3. Write a diary
When you feel hurt or disappointed by the act of a partner, write down all the feelings that you experience in a diary. After writing all of them, surely you will feel better and ready to begin a new life. Do not worry because there are many men waiting for you out there.

4. Expenditure
For women, shopping can provide comfort and feeling happy. Forget the pain and Shop. A pair of shoes or clothes pretty funny can change the appearance and make you look fabulous and beautiful when wearing it.

5. Doing good
Helping others will give incredible feeling in a short time. Helping others such as social activities not only makes you look at things positively, but the results will come back to you. In time, you will reap the fruit of goodness that you sow.

January 11, 2011

2 Alexa Rank Rising

This article is an additional article to a not yet know how to increase alexa rank with the powerful, the Titans are one of the important calculation for the pembisnis online, at the tender adsense, etc. but for the blog is not for bisnispun Alexa rank can be used as a reference to see how the quality of these blogs .

Alexa is a site that provides rankings that have been recognized as a consideration in the cyber world, whether for a paid review or other. And assessment is through the number of visitors and popularity. Why do I mention two items between visitors and its popularity? Because a lot of reality to say more than 100 visitors per day even better than his Alexa rank is 1000 per day. Some say also depends on the number of IP (Internet Protocol) of different visitors, hosting and so forth. Therefore many people are looking for ways to increase alexa rank trick along with page rank. Especially for bloggers who like to play a paid review or Selling links. Where pagerank and alexa rank is the main calculations.

There are various ways to increase your alexa rank. As in the previous article. Among them:

  1. Put Widget Alexa And Alexa Tool Bar can increase the alexa rank. Already in the proof on my blog. Formerly 15juta now become 1jutaan. But this effect on your pagerank. (Because you are not directly provide a backlink to alexa http://alexa.com/site/site_stats/signup). alexa tool bar http://alexa.com/site/download.
  2. The location of your hosting an influence on your site. This according to my discussions and my blogging teacher, with the basic theory if your hosting is located in the U.S., the visitor to access your site more quickly. Logically, Alexa is from where? Overseas right? Well if you use their hosting IIX long time to open your site, so it will help slow the rise in rank alexa rank our blog.
  3. Update your blog regularly. This seems to be influential, because usually page rank and alexa rank like a site that is always up to date. Sites that follow the keywords also include categories of sites that up to date, but try to keep your blog from porn keywords, such as videos and photos girls nude junior high, high school, and lovely cottage student.
  4. Make review about alexa. Currently in the research, before I wrote this review.
  5. Create a sub domain to boost your traffic. Example: If kuliahpsikologi.dekrizky.com and iklangratis.dekrizky.com visitornya 50 per day and blog dekrizky.com visitornya 50 per day, could be a total of 100 day visitors. It may be true, because the logic is like that.
  6. Optimize SEO on your blog. SEO is where - where necessary, and can be a weapon to boost alexa rank. The logic is like this, good SEO, automatic increase visitors from search engines. Could affect the alexa and pagerank too lho. Please read the SEO tricks blogspot for more details about SEO.
  7. Increase Alexa backlinks. Alexa backlink will be obtained if you frequently commented on the blog - another blog alias blogwalking. The fact is I see when I check my backlinks Alexa anyone, it turns out most of my comments when blogwalking.
Well, that was what I meant, there is an additional bit of my first article. Namely Optimization SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Creating a Sub Domain, and Host Location. Of things - things that I mentioned and I read from my friend's blog was, indeed all logical and can be practiced. But whatever it is, we can only guess, Alexa Rank and PageRank is still a mystery.

Okay. Alexa rank so many tricks I can give.
Hopefully can help boost ranking blogs of friends to practice this tricks.

Hopefully helpful...

135 Important, 7 Signs of HIV Affected People

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the most feared disease because the disease is no vaccine or medicine that can cure the disease. But we should be alert and recognize the symptoms as early as possible for HIV to take precautions early.

This deadly virus will attack the immune system that makes the body lose the ability to fight disease, making the body more susceptible to various diseases.

If these symptoms are not treated immediately, it can cause AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) which is a deadly disease. AIDS arise as a result of breeding the HIV virus in the human body.

The symptoms that arise from HIV can affect a person gradually. Once the virus enters the body, then the virus will develop rapidly.

This virus will attack the CD4 lymphocytes (T cells) and destroys white blood cells that affects the immune system. Each stage of infection will show different symptoms.

The initial stage of infection with this virus usually show no signs or symptoms, new symptoms will appear after two to four weeks after infection. A person may complain of severe headache accompanied by fever and persistent.

As quoted Menshealth.about.com, Thursday (6/10/2010) when a person is infected, the initial symptoms sometimes appear similar to the flu or viral infection medium.

Symptoms and early signs of HIV, including fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin.

These symptoms are similar to other viral infections. Therefore, many HIV-infected people do not realize that he had been infected for years to reach an advanced stage.

Center for disease control (Centers for Disease Control / CDC) revealed there are several symptoms that indicate an advanced stage of HIV are:
1. Lose weight fast without any reason
2. Hacking cough
3. Recurring fever or sweating at night
4. Fatigue
5. Diarrhea is more than a week
6. Memory loss
7. Depression and other nervous disorders.

One way to detect it is by measuring the number of white blood cells, because usually a person with HIV will have a number of small white blood cells.

HIV is not an easy disease to be diagnosed, there are two things to note is that there are recognizable symptoms and examination by a doctor.

HIV is caused mostly by the behavior of mutually exchange sex partners without using condoms or those who used drugs since the turn of a syringe.

Say No to Drugs and Promiscuity...!

0 4 Types of Good Friends

Friend is a place someone to share joys and sorrows. His best friend had to have a positive impact on a person. If you'd like to know the type of people like what we are, look around your friends. There are 4 types of friends that you should have.

As quoted from the Huffington Post, Robert Wicks, a professor of psychology at the same time the author of Living the Resilient Life says there are 4 types of friends who patutkita search and enter the human life cycle, which would make life happier and quality.

1. Type Critics
Friend to the type of this type will always be reminded when we make mistakes. Without being asked anything, he will always criticize us when doing something wrong. This type is very good to remind us on the right path, although sometimes painful to hear criticism of a somewhat spicy.

2. Type of Support
You who have friends like this are very lucky, because a friend of this type will always support what you're doing and go be happy with your success. You will always feel the spirit and motivated when you are near him.

3. Type Cheerleaders
Perhaps this type is more preferred. Friends with type cheerleaders will always make you happy again at the time of sadness and mourning. it's not complete if assembled but no one is your friend. When you are frustrated and depressed, a friend of this type more to make you laugh.

4. Type Mentors
You will feel happier when a friend of this type. Being around him will make you feel calm and peaceful. He also will always give feedback and useful advice dikala you need it. It feels your life to be focused because there are friends who provide important input for your life.

If you do not have friends like the above, you should start looking for each other because a friend of a balanced sharing will make hidupAnda more balanced. You also can avoid the stress of disease by sharing with them.

0 9 Habits to Refresh Your Brain

Flavor saturated with the same activity each day can lead to depression. This Boredom can also make your brain feel 'less challenged'. If you often experience this, do not say anything. Perform the following exercises that can make you like having a brain 'new'.

Dorothea Brande, writer and editor from the United States is famous for his book "Wake Up and Live and Becoming a Writer", suggesting some mental exercises to keep your mind become sharper. The exercises are intended to pull you out of habit and routine, giving you a different perspective, and puts you in situations that require intellect and creativity in solving problems.

Brande believe, just by doing their own testing and stretching you develop mental strength. Here are nine exercises recommended by Brande that you can try, as quoted from Divine Caroline.

1. Spend one hour each day by not saying anything. Except, to answer the question directly, in the middle of the group, without creating the impression that you sulk or ill. Try to be as casually as possible.

2. Berpikirlan for 30 minutes every day on one subject. Start by thinking within five minutes if 30 minutes too long.

3. Speak for 15 minutes per day without using the word "I", "I", and "I Belong."

4. Try to be quiet in a crowd

5. Make contact with new people and let him tell you many things about himself without realizing it.

6. Tell us exclusively about yourself and your pleasure without complaining, bragging or boring your friends.

7. Create a plan for two hours per day and do it with a consequent plan.

8. Make 12 the activities carried out at random and spontaneous. For example, after-visit places to eat that has never visited before and then go home rather than take a taxi but the motorcycle taxi. Or, usually in the morning you drink coffee, drink water or juice. Try these activities different from your routine.

9. From time to time, take each day to answer "Yes" to every demand of others, but of course that makes sense.

source: http://id.news.yahoo.com/viva/20110110/tls-9-kebiasaan-menyegarkan-otak-34dae5e.html

January 10, 2011

0 Adolescent Characteristics

Growing adolescents is a wonderful thing because this period is the period of the most enjoyable, but it's good we determines the number of teenagers arakteristik.

Gunarso (1989) summarizes some characteristics of adolescents that can cause various problems in self-teens, including:
  1. Awkwardness in the association and stiffness in movement
  2. Emotional instability
  3. The existence of an empty feeling because revamp views and hints of life
  4. The existence of resistance and challenge parents
  5. Contradictions in ditinya often be the base cause of disagreements with parents.
  6. Anxiety for many things desirable but teenagers can not afford to meet all
  7. Glad explore
  8. Glad experimented
  9. Having a lot of fantasy, imagination, and boasting
  10. The tendency to form groups and the tendency of group activities.

source: http://netsains.com/2009/04/psikologi-remaja-karakteristik-dan-permasalahannya/

0 Understanding Adolescent

According Hurlock (1981) adolescents are those who are at the age of 12-18 years. Monks, et al (2000) give an age limit is 12-21 years old adolescents. According to Stanley Hall (in Santrock, 2003) is in the adolescent age range 12-23 years. Based on constraints provided by experts, can be seen that the onset of adolescence is relatively the same, but the end of adolescence vary widely. In fact, there are also known as an extended youth, and teens are shortened.

Teenage is a time full of problems. This statement was put forward much in the past, namely at the beginning of the 20th century by Mr Adolescent Psychology of Stanley Hall. Opinions Stanley Hall at the moment is that adolescence is a time of storm and stress (storm and stress) is still widely quoted people.

According to Erickson adolescence is a period of identity crisis or identity search. Erickson idea is corroborated by James Marcia, who discovered that there are four identity status in adolescence is identity diffusion / confussion, moratorium, Foreclosure, and achieved identity (Santrock, 2003, Papalia, et al, 2001, Monks, et al, 2000, Muss, 1988 .) Characteristics of adolescents who are to proceed to seek self-identity is also often cause problems on adolescent self.

source: http://netsains.com/2009/04/psikologi-remaja-karakteristik-dan-permasalahannya/

January 6, 2011

0 Getting Google Backlinks

This time I will share ways on how to get google backlinks, bloggers all must be familiar with the name let alone backlink google backlinks. But do not hurt to give meaning and function of these backlinks.

Backlink is a link / address of your website / blog which is located on the website / blog. This backlink very useful to raise your ranking in search engines, google for example. This ranking means that if there are people looking for a keyword related to your content, your website will appear earlier than other websites that have ranked below you, it means going to a lot of visitors who view our website on search engines continue to come to your website . (source: http://uangmayainternet.blogspot.com/2008/03/pengertian-backlink.html).

How, would the bloggers would like it if there is a blog that has many backlinks, especially backlinks from google. Without strings attached, I'll share how, follow the following ways:
1. Go to http://www.google.com/profiles/the.snic
2. Click on Create your own public profile. At the bottom.
3. Click on create my profile and sign in to your google account (you must have a google account)
4. Fill your personal data.
5. In the link the content of your blog data
6. Done

You also already have a backlink from google, but it took a long time for your backlink indexed by Google, though more rapid, do ping by means of:
1. Open http://pingler.com
2. Enter the url of the google profile that you created earlier (eg http://www.google.com/profiles/username)
3. Click ping my site!

Hopefully can help us all to get google backlinks

0 Prevent Tired Eyes in Front of Computer

When you are in front of the computer it did not want to move to leave the often very eyes staring at computer monitors up to long hours, let alone to the blogger maniac certainly often stay up and keep staring at your computer monitor. If you already addicted to the computer name must be difficult to sleep and want to constantly staring at your computer even though sometimes the eyes are tired but still want to, this problem often appears to me that almost every day staring at your computer up to 5-7 hours and even more in a day, well therefore I am looking for tips for this problem. Finally after searching for information on the internet I found it, what it tips? The tips include:

1. Keep your distance from the monitor
Being too close to the monitor is a bit dangerous for our eyes. We should maintain visibility into our monitors well. The recommended distance is about 20-40 inches (50-100cm) from the eye. If we are still difficult to read when the monitor was located at a distance of 20 inches, try to enlarge the font you until we feel comfortable.
2. Get rid of CRT, LCD Switch to
Monitor tube (CRT) does give a worse effect than the LCD, in addition to the energy required is also greater. Try replacing our CRT monitors with LCD. But the price of LCD monitors are more expensive than CRT. For those of us who still love CRT monitors, it's good we buy anti-radiation filters. This is the solution to reduce the pain from the eyes linger in front of the monitor, but with a cheap price.
3. Adjust monitor settings
Some monitors are now many provide pre-set display modes, to allow users to change their screen settings. Pre-set these settings to give different levels brightnes, to adjust the conditions of use of the monitor. Sometimes use it. For example setting like, 'text' or 'internet' will feel much cooler in the eyes, when we use for typing or browsing. Settings 'game' or 'movie' will look much brighter when used.
4. Use anti-radiation glasses
Although it costs a relatively more expensive, but it's good to have enough money when we buy anti-radiation glasses. In addition you can take them wherever we work, these glasses are not only useful when we work in front of the monitor, but also protect the eye from the car light, radiation, TV, and so forth. In fact the anti-radiation coating on the glasses, very useful for our eyes. Because the layer automatically reduces the effects of pain in the eyes of radiation due to excessive light.
5. Rest my eyes for a moment, on a regular basis
The easiest way to avoid eye fatigue due to radiation monitors are mengistirahatkannya periodically. Try to rest my eyes for about 5 minutes every hour. We can use it to take 5 minutes walk, see the sights, washing face and so forth. The important thing away from the monitor.

January 5, 2011

0 Tips for Controlling Cholesterol

Cholesterol in the body can cause various diseases. High Cholesterol not only experienced by a person who was fat, but people are skinny does not mean low cholesterol. Cholesterol also can befall any people who are still young. All walks of life, must try to live a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the cholesterol in the blood remained normal. In the body there is fat that consists of bad cholesterol called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), where fat can be attached to the blood vessels.

While the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is to dissolve fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in normal circumstances. Here are some tips that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.

Consumption of foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. For example, by consuming
nonfat milk and reduce the consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat content. Oil used to fry repeatedly to raise cholesterol levels, then you'll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.

Consumption of fiber
Consume more fibrous foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and remove it from the body.

Consumption of antioxidants
Antioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or squash. Eating garlic regularly can lower cholesterol.

Avoid alcohol and smoking
With smoke or consume alcohol, be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.

sport is an activity that a lot of benefit for our bodies, do regular exercise.

January 3, 2011

0 Global Warming & Environmental Degradation

In general, the climate as a result of the interaction of physical processes and kimiafisik parameters, such as temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall patterns that occur in a place on earth .. How global warming because the greenhouse effect that excessive (more than normal conditions) in Earth's atmosphere, as a result of disruption of the composition of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such major CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (Methane) and N2O (Nitrous Oxide ), HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons), PFCs (Perfluorocarbons) and SF6 (Sulphur hexafluoride) in the atmosphere.

When the beam / radiation from the sun in the form of visible light or short wave enters the atmosphere, some parts of the reflected light or reflected back by the clouds and the dust found in space, while others are forwarded to the land surface. Of radiation directly to the surface some is absorbed by the earth's land, but the other part "reflected" back into space by ice, snow, water, and reflective surfaces other earth. The process of space solar rays penetrate the atmosphere up to the surface of the earth until we can feel the temperature of the earth to warm is called the greenhouse effect (ERK) Without the greenhouse effect on earth ikim system, then the earth became habitable due to global temperature is too low (minus .) The term greenhouse effect, taken from the way of planting used by farmers in temperate regions (state which has four seasons). 

Farmers used to grow vegetables or flowers in the greenhouse to keep the room temperature remains warm. Why use a glass / translucent material? Because of the nature of the material that can be impenetrable to sunlight. Of the incoming rays, will be reflected back by objects / surfaces in the greenhouse, when the reflected beam was transformed into heat energy in the form of infrared rays, heat energy is then trapped in a greenhouse. Similarly, one of our Earth's atmosphere function like rumak glass. From the above explanation can we understand how the mechanisms of the greenhouse effect on Earth. Then how the relationship between the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change? Simply described as follows that is not absorbed sunlight the earth's surface will be reflected back from Earth's surface into space. As explained above, visible light is short wave after wave reflected back turned into a long form of heat energy (infrared light), we feel. But some of that heat energy can not penetrate or escape back out into space, because the layer of atmospheric gases have disrupted its composition (the composition is redundant). As a result of heat energy that should escape keangkasa (stratosphere) to be radiated back into the earth's surface (troposphere) or the presence of additional heat energy back to earth in a period of time long enough, so more than the normal condition, this is excessive greenhouse effect http://climatechange.menlh.go.id - Climate Change - Indonesia Powered by Mambo Open Source Generated: 3 February, 2009, 10:12 because the composition of the layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is disturbed, consequently trigger a rise in average temperature of earth surface warming then there global.

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