November 29, 2010

0 Healthy Heart

Six steps to avoid heart attacks.
"Five major" risk factors of heart attack is smoking, family history, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Everything can raise the risk for heart attack, said dr. Marla Mandelson, a professor of medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. To reduce the risk, he suggested :

Learn the history of the family : If someone in your family ever had cardiovascular disease before age 55 years, your risk rises.
Do not Smoke : Do we have to tell you about this?

Know Your Score : Perform the calculation of cholesterol and blood pressure of your own. Optimal total cholesterol is less than 200 mg / dl, while blood pressure should be no higher than 120/80.
Regular Exercise : Do it at least five hours of cardio exercise per week.
True Foods : Minimize fast food and remain disciplined to a diet full of dry protein, vegetables, fruit and fiber.
Relax : Stress iu itself is not too painful than the things you do when you are under stress, eating too much, drink too much, and not exercising. Follow the path of healthy living!

0 "Tai Chi"

Expand your horizons with exercises that you have always joke about: "Tai Chi"

More than just exercise for older people who move slowly early in the morning, tai chi is a way of connecting your mind and body with about you. "In ancient times, people used to use tai chi to fight, between one village to another village," explained Master CK Chu Chu Tai Chi school in New York City. "Tai Chi is taught only to family members just because we do not want to give away our military secrets." But now, the style of kung fu that low-impact is often used to fight stress, increase flexibility, and helps students to better concentrate and confident. Here are some things you should know before choosing a class and get started:

The Theory

Tai Chi is useful to help you align the joints and nerves, muscles and bones, utilizing natural energy flow or chi in your body you. "Adding your Chi control," said Chu, and you will not only feel more powerful and quiet, you also will improve the quality of sex, helping internal organs function better, and even improve blood circulation. You parable, "Once you add energy control, you can overcome the problems of 1000 kg with only using a few ounces of your physical strength," said Chu.

The Basics
Chu recommends to train your breathing before coming to your first class to introduce the body how to breathe right. "Many people are pressing belly breathing, but it's wrong," said Chu.

"When you breathe, the diaphragm (the layer between the chest and abdomen) should be pressed down, for the abdominal (stomach) may be expanded," he explained.

Try: instead of the usual way you breathe, slow, deep breathing through your nose and feel your belly expand, then discard all the breath through your nose and feel your stomach contract. Continue until you feel more calm and relaxed.

The First Class
You will do a lot of breathing and balancing exercises. Make sure you wear loose clothing (pants or pajama pants to bed, or a loose shirt), and prepared to go barefoot. Probably you will learn the horses, and although your movement will be slow and behati careful, do not be surprised if your body will sweat even if you do not, "said Chu." Moving in one way then you will produce chi. Moving with the bad, you will spend your flow. And no one will. "Clear Chu.

0 6 Ways Boost Your Metabolism

1. Probiotic Drinking : yogurt drinks containing live bacteria can change the amount of fat absorbed by the body, said the researchers from Imperial College London. Probiotic adding good bacteria into the abdomen, which help break down food and helps the liver to process fat.

2. Exercise soon but More Often : According to research in Japan, do sports more often destroy more fat and increase fat oxidation and also helps you recover for the next training session. Instead of a one-hour training session, doing two practice sessions with a duration of half an hour.

3. Build Your Muscles : Muscles that are resting spend five times the per kilogram calories more than fat. A Dutch study found that denagn out in the gym twice a week to increase your daily metabolism as much as 9.5%.

4. Drinking Green Tea : Anti-oxidant epigallocatechin-gallate found in green tea cause brain and nervous system work more efficiently and burn more calories. Research in Switzerland said that three cups of green tea a day will be able to burn 4% more energy, or about 80 extra calories a day.

5. Eating Soybeans : Soy beans can limit the growth of fat cells and in the body, according to research from the University of Illinois. The study states that foods such as tofu makes the body burn energy and storing less fat.

6. Many Moves : Swaying, walk and change positions on an ongoing basis can help burn an extra 350 calories a day, according to a study at the Mayo Clinic in America. When the muscle is moved or depressed, they will burn calories, so in your body would be less that converted into fat.

0 13 Ways to Feel Great

Follow these tips and you will not feel down anymore :
1. Reduce Alcohol : Drinking a few glasses of wine good for your heart, but do not overdo it. Alcohol is a depressant, and can disrupt your sleep, even if you passed out drunk with your pants are around your ankles. Drinking hard to prevent you entering the phase RAM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep most soothing, and also gives you bad dreams.

2. Massage : Research shows that massage by a woman who uses a white kimono - or better yet, by your partner without taking anything to help you overcome three serious mood problems: anxiety, headache, and muscle aches.

3. Exercise in the Morning : This will start your metabolism for the day, and also releases feel good hormones, endorphins, into your brain.

4. Perform Cardio Exercise : Whenever you do - bike, running and swimming - will be producing mitochondria of cells full of energy.

5. Bath with Cold Water : Science has shown that this will drain the lactic acid from your muscles after a workout and will refresh you for the rest of the day.

6. Bathroom with Hot Water : Studies have shown that 2 / 3 men feel more energetic afterwards, and also make those around you become happier. So take a bath.

7. Sleep : That only get one extra hour of sleep a week can counteract the gloomy mood from lack of sleep, and studies have shown that short nap will improve the ability of the brain and mental performance.

8. Sex : In a study conducted on 900 men for 10 years, researchers found that men who do more physical also has the best and more energy. They also smile more.

9. Add Music : In the era of MP3 and iPods we can not live without music, and the Online Journal of Sport Psychology says that music can relieve stress.

10. Do not be Afraid of Your Age : the older getting richer and the poor increasingly younger, according to the Bank of England, mostly because of high housing prices. You may be getting wrinkles, but you also have more money to do plastic surgery.

11. Walking Foot : If you fell bored and lethargic in the afternoon, you will recognizes that by walking around the block one times your home will be able to evoke the spirit lebuh you than if you invade a tin of biscuits. Physical activity will give oxygen to your blood cells, helping to fill your body with energy.

12. Avoid Junk Food : Biscuits, snacks and fast foods increase the levels of LDL cholesterol Jahl. This will impede the flow of oxygen in the blood to the cells throughout the body.

13. Meet your friends : Research shows that men who will open her life to be happier than men who resist stress. Socialize also can make you more happy-as long as you do not overdo it.

November 26, 2010

0 Profile

My name is Landung Trijati and I was the third of three brothers. and I was born on January 30, 1990 in the town of Klaten, Indonesia. And now is take the S1 studies Computer Science at college AMIKOM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Why I took engineering informatics ...? it is because I want to know and understand the very modern technology in the globalization era like today. a technology at all times, even the second time these technologies will surely continue to grow. So to follow a technology and technological development so as not to miss it so I went to college majoring in informatics engineering

Dream and my hope now is menyelesaian my study on time and with excellent value and fast to get a decent job. So that children can become proud parents as well as useful for others.

November 20, 2010

0 Love Pain Natural Environment

Perhaps the less we realize that the more perfect world of adults, the more boring it is for the children. In cities, children are no longer an opportunity to gather experiences, which for children who are outside the city are regular daily encountered. Take a walk through knee-high grass, climbing trees and picking fruit, somersault-tipping down the hill or go along a small river. Well, a good place to play should be able to open such opportunities.

As we have seen, there are still many places on the outskirts of the unreached by urban planning. especially in terms of space and play facilities are ideal for children. But if we ourselves know, that children need an environment of a diverse style that can be explored, maybe we can steer. At least in the space around it, kids can create themselves an arena for activities.

Children who live in villages, in this case arguably more fortunate. Nature has helped them. Vast desert, the rivers and the hills and bushes around them is an unlimited playground. And if we look at what they can do with all that, it would be a wide-variety! They created their own way, situations and tools from found there. But what about children who live in the city? The situation is much different. That almost every inch of land used as a residence, of course, minimize the opportunity for them to play freely. Not to mention the situation of the bustling traffic of a barrier for them to feel more safe play.

Apparently children do need a uniqueness to the playground. In many places in the city center, the children could hardly find any other way that is interesting and challenging than just a fistfight with each other and removing the desire to obtain a no-no. In other words, in crowded environments and crowded that kids like to lose something. The houses are neat and orderly border of not giving the opportunity for children to move, narrow page does not provide the opportunity to do assessments. Imagine! If circumstances force things running routine, nothing else can be changed-fox, no more to be exercised or sought, let alone that will arise in the minds of children as a creation?

Humans and the environment may be said to have properties more or less the same, namely to live, grow and function. Relationship and influence between the two interrelated 'natural bodies' that caused the impacts, both positive and negative. But a clear, positive impact that is expected to help the survival of a comfortable, safe and secure requires the maintenance responsibility will be for the preservation of nature as a whole.

If a child seems fixated on something really unusual, this is an opportunity for parents and teachers to give an explanation to him. The first step is to establish communication to jointly pay attention to something. That might be a bit difficult is to arouse interest towards 'research' at the time we took a walk. If your child prefers to pay attention to an insect that died or he would rather run around a verdant meadow, it is difficult to find something 'valuable' in there. Of course, children will express the desire and joy, so inevitably we will oblige as well. When all sorts of inducements to no avail, the only way is to be patient.

While walking we can explain things to children, especially to do with the lives of animals and plants. Children should be told, that a tree can be derived from a seed that is mature enough and old. And if the tree is maintained properly, it will grow and bring results that can be gleaned benefit for our lives. Seeds of corn, beans and soy thrown on the ground, will become a leafy tree, flowering and fruiting, while fruit seeds, of course, as well. Moreover, if the seeds were planted, nurtured and maintained. Birds, butterflies, beetles and even

November 15, 2010

0 Keeping the Environment, Safety Assurance Future

Today many are realizing that the planet Earth has entered a critical period. Compared to the past, this time the earth has undergone many significant changes. Human needs in this time has exceeded the potential that exists on earth and it becomes a big challenge and alarmed scientists. Hundreds of famous scientists from various countries have submitted hazard warnings will be a number of activities that damage the environment. If this condition continues, millions of species on this earth will be extinct. Forest, sahara desert, lakes and rivers will be damaged.

This is disturbing the minds of scientists and forcing them to think in order to prevent the occurrence of environmental tragedy. Therefore, the earth is currently inhabited by more than six billion people and other generations will still be going live on the third planet of this solar system. Human life is very dependent on the condition of the earth and its natural condition. Failure to maintain the environment would be fatal in the future.

Is a phenomenon that can’t be denied that human beings are aware or not of this age has destroyed the environment for the sake of attaining pleasure and ease of living. Vandalism committed by the son of Adam has changed the air and water, so feared in the future, planet Earth is no longer eligible for occupancy. Salvation of mankind is really threatened, due to changes in natural ecosystems, destruction of forests and soil, as well as water pollution and depletion of the ozone layer.

Given that the environment is the main foundation for human life, no choice but to adjust economic policies and development standards of eco-friendly. Currently, developing countries accused the industrialized countries as the main perpetrators of environmental pollution and destruction. While industrialized countries accuse the third world countries as a cause of depletion of natural stocks due to high population growth.

Unfortunately, the world currently dominated by a small group of people who live in luxury and wealth in abundance. They are in control of abundant natural resources. While the majority of earth's inhabitants have to live in an environment polluted, dirty and unhealthy, so make them plagued many dangerous diseases. It is an indisputable fact that industrialized countries are the largest contributor to air pollution. Industrial activity and the factories that produce various needs of the modern world plays a big role in producing carbon dioxide gas and various other dangerous substances.

The use of various chemicals by these countries also have a major impact on ozone layer depletion. Production and burial of atomic waste that they do in third world countries are other examples of environmental actions undertaken by industrialized countries. Network ABC news revealed that the factories and industrial centers in the United States annually produces 88 million pounds of toxic waste which, according to environmental maintenance office report, 90 percent of toxic substances were not destroyed properly.

In April 1995 an international scientific journal Neurotoxer Koji, released an article from a group of researchers from Australia that says that the use of aluminum salt to extract water, causing the water-consuming and potentially brain disorder Alzheimer's. In various research for more than twenty years, it is evident that the presence of aluminum in the brain substance will cause Alzheimer's. An Australian researcher named Jody Walton said, an increasing number of people with Alzheimer's in the last seventy years is a reality that can not be denied. Furthermore, he said, "We are every day taking aluminum substances contained in foods and beverages we are every day, and the impact of these substances will we feel at old age." Substance aluminum is contained in the composition of food, baking powder, toothpaste, and the majority of kitchen furniture.

Although humans are aware of and witnessed the impact of environmental destruction, but the action continues in major industrial countries and third world countries. It could be argued that the destruction of the environment is an impact of social and economic inequality that occurred in the world. Deviation of natural utilization is also a result of the low level of public awareness about environment and weak legislation. Each country must further improve community awareness about environmental maintenance.

As a result, the fate of mankind depends on nature and vice versa, the fate of the earth is also very dependent on the behavior of their inhabitants. That is, all factors of destruction of the earth and inequity that cause environmental destruction would hurt all mankind. No doubt, should be established systems and new programs in the global economy remains stressed conservation efforts. Initial stage, should be done by changing the vision of each country in its development program to keep attention to environmental problems.

Utilization of the environment of the modern era can be categorized as a step toward disaster. In view if this condition continues, it is directly frustrate the realization of global security efforts, Human Rights, and the structure of a solid global economy. In order to create a peaceful life, free, and noble, we all need clean water, fertile soil, and fresh air.

0 Preserving Environment

Because of global warming, pollution, diminishing forests, and limited supplies of natural resources, people become more aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Trash in the environment that affect air, water, soil, animals, plants, and humans. If we use the environment as waste, we take the land from the wild, environmental pollution, and deplete natural resources.

So little by little that is around us Nature will turn into a place that never will we dream for our children and grandchildren later, There are some things we can do as is done by our colleagues listed in Black Innovation Awards in the short or normal BIA, which is making a new breakthrough or innovation to continue to live in harmony with nature.

- Buy products that do not require much energy and resources to manufacturing. Looking for environmentally friendly products that contain packaging.
- Reduce car use with riding a bike, carpooling with friends, walking, or by bus.
- Composting is a way to dispose of kitchen waste. It's healthy for the soil and less waste going into landfill.
- Turn off unused lights and using energy efficient light bulbs.
- Turn off the water faucet when brushing your teeth.
- Use cloth grocery bags instead of plastic bags. They can be used repeatedly.
- Metal cans and plastic containers can be used to store the items.
- Donates your old clothes, furniture, and toys to charity, or give to neighbors, friends in need

Well so little tips that we will try together to preserve the environment, it's time for our younger generation to support the positive activities undertaken by our colleagues in Black Innovation Awards and the like for more and more innovation-new innovation that we can use later .

Good luck!

November 5, 2010

2 Characteristics of Healthy Environment and Healthy Environment not

Humans and other living things need air to breathe. Inhaled air containing oxygen. The air we breathe is a need for clean air. Clean air contains oxygen. In addition to air, humans need water for bathing, drinking and cooking. You are acquiring air and water from the environment around you. Therefore, you should always keep the environment around you so that you get water and air clean and fresh.

1. Healthy EnvironmentHave you ever walk with your father and mother out of town far from the crowds? You will feel the air around the place was very fresh and clean. Clean air that contains oxygen is good for our bodies. The air is clean can you get at home. When got up early, breathe the air in your home page, and then feel the air that goes into your lungs. Feel comfortable and fresh, right?

Perhaps, on your home page a lot of plants. The oxygen produced by these plants will be a lot. The air around it will feel comfortable and fresh. Is there a river or a moat around your house? Are rivers and ditches are full of garbage? A healthy river is the river water is clean and clear. There is no garbage strewn. Usually, there are fish that live in the stream. Trenches in your house should always be cleaned. Do not have garbage that clog the water flow. Trench must be clear and clean sound.

2. Unhealthy environmentNow many unhealthy environment around us. What causes it? Unhealthy environment is a dirty environment. Dirty environment means the environment is already polluted. Environmental pollution consisting of water pollution, air and soil.

a. Water Pollution

 Come on, look at the existing ditches and streams around your house, how it is? What is clean? Indiscriminate waste disposal create trenches, rivers, and polluted sea. The fish are dying and many communities around too suffer the consequences. Water pollution can cause obstructed water flow. If the rain comes, will cause flooding. Fish and other animals in the sea will die. Communities difficult to get clean water, as a result of disease attacked the people. Unhealthy environment marked dirty water. Dirty river water is very dangerous if used for bathing, drinking washing clothes, cooking and washing equipment. Dirty water, if taken, can cause diseases such as diarrhea and vomiting. If dirty water used for bathing, will cause skin diseases such as scabies and itching. If the water in your home environment is no longer clear, it is necessary filtration or purification.

b. Air Pollution
Have you ever noticed motor vehicles that emit exhaust fumes? Smoke it, if you breathe, will feel oppressive. The air you breathe is very dangerous for your body. Dangerous fumes, such as motor vehicle fumes, smoke, burning garbage, and factory smoke, can harm health. Any unpleasant smell, like garbage, filthy trenches, can cause air pollution. Motor vehicle fumes, factory smoke, and smoke burning trash is the element of air pollutants. Air pollution making our breathing becomes congested and the lungs were filled with chemicals that damage the respiratory tract.

0 Environmental Pollution

The core of environmental problems is the relationship of living things, especially human beings with the environment. Knowledge about the interrelationships of living things with its environment is called ecology. The environment is a system which is a unitary space with all the objects, resources, circumstances and living creatures, including man with his behavior, which affects the continuity of life and human welfare fairies and other creatures. From the above definition implies that living things, especially a party that always take advantage of the natural environment, both in terms of respiration, fulfilling the needs of food, housing and others. And, man as the most superior creature in the ecosystem, has the power in the creation and consumption of natural resources for their livelihoods.

In nature there are various natural resources. which is the environmental components that are different, which can be classified on:
- Natural resources that can be updated (renewable natural resources)
- Natural resources that can not be updated (non-renewable natural resources).
A variety of natural resources that have a diverse nature and behavior are interacting with each other in different forms as well. In accordance with the interests of natural resources can be divided up;
(A). fisiokimia such as water, air, soil, and so forth,
(B). biology, such as fauna, flora, habitat, and so forth, and
(C). social and economic such as income, health, customs, religions, and others.

Interaction of environmental elements, among which belong to non-biological and biological cycles will determine the sustainability of ecosystems, within which are found the process of movement of energy and nutrient (material) in a system which indicates the habitat, the process of adaptation and evolution. In manipulating the environment, then humans must be able to recognize the nature of the environment which is determined by various factors. In connection with this statement, the nature of the environment are categorized on the basis of:
(1). The type and amount of each type of these environmental elements,
(2). relationship or interaction between elements in the environment,
(3). behavior or conditions of environmental elements, and
(4). factors of non-material, such as light and noise.

0 Tips for Keeping the Environment

Does your makeup is produced with environmentally friendly? Then, if every day you use a hair dryer? The habit of our lives directly or indirectly will affect the surrounding environment. Similarly, on the contrary, environmental conditions will also affect our lifestyle.

We must change the habits little by little to protect the environment. The way is easy:
1. Try not to dry your hair every day with electronic hair dryer.
2. Get used to direct also unplug the charger once the battery is fully charged cell phone. Do not charge the phone battery while you sleep because the electricity will continue to flow on the phone even if the battery is fully charged.
3. Habit of brushing your teeth while you turn on the water also should be eliminated. When brushing your teeth do not leave the faucet running. When finished scrubbing and you want a new turn on the faucet to rinse.
4. In choosing the food package avoid using disposable plastic packaging. It would be better if you use a place to eat that can be used repeatedly.
5. For those of you who always use the vehicles to go to the office, try once a week using public transportation. Of course, to slightly reduce carbon gases that could trigger global warming. Leaving the office with friends nearby in a car also can do as an alternative means to protect the environment and can save a little on your expenses.

"Small habits that can make environmentally friendly major changes if it is done by many people."

0 Love the Environment

Let us all to learn to love the environment around us, ranging from the smallest things from us, because great things come from small things.

Imagine two pictures:NetClean environment, and fresh.DirtyAnd Environmental dirty slums and irregular. Of course we would feel comfortable living in a clean environment.

To love the environment requires discipline as well. Many things can be done to love the environment, one of which is Do not throw litter.Trash will make the slightest unpleasant scene, if the garbage was in the flow of water, would interfere with sanitation, excess can also cause flooding. "Because the trash can cause flooding."Examples of small things properly dispose of waste, when we eat candy on the bus / room that does not provide garbage cans, candy wrappers can we enter into the pocket of our bags. Later after the trash, then we enter into the trash. the above example is one way of loving the environment.Let us learn to love the environment."The environment is the life of every living thing in this earth"

November 4, 2010

0 Environmental Understanding

Understanding the environment is a place where a living thing that grows where cover important elements such as ground water and air, the environment itself has significance in the life of every living creature, such as forest environment where every plant and animals can live in freedom to search for food, can also with the urban environment where buildings are very strong elements in it, in this case human attitudes about the environment and the impact of human activity is not neglected and unthinkable, when the damaged environment and ecosystem destroyed the balance between life and with other life will change, this gives the impact negative for every living creature that is around.
A concrete example of an environment that has been damaged is urban, where the river as the water element and the element of life has been polluted causing the death of life in the water, fish can survive in its original clear water can not be found anymore because of the environment in which life is no support for continuance, but it also affects the environmental destruction of human life by reducing sources of clean water. To prevent the need for preventive action immediately impact is not protracted.
Environment in general is determined by the creator like this but it has become the duty of every human being to maintain and preserve it, the stage of development of information technology and hopefully the problem concerning the destruction of the environment in which we live can be overcome, and also hope our leaders are given the awareness of the importance of place we live rather than just thinking about money

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